Bookstore Inventory with NUnit


You are working on a part of an inventory tracking app for a bookstore. Your job is to finish code responsible for creating, updateing, deleting and fetching books.

Problem Statement

To complete the task, you need to implement all methods in BookRepository.cs and BooksController.cs that are throwing NotImplementedExceptions right now:

  1. BookRepository.GetAllBooks method, it should return all books from data context.

  2. BookRepository.GetBookById method, it should return book by given id from data context, or null.

  3. BookRepository.AddBook method, should return true and add book to the data context, if there is no book with same isbn yet, otherwise if there is already book with same isbn, or we're trying to add null object, method should return false.

  4. BookRepository.UpdateBook method should update the data context with given book. If it succeess, it should return true. If we're trying to update null object, or trying to update isbn of book to another - already existing in database isbn, it should return false.

  5. BookRepository.DeleteBook method shoud remove book with given id from the data context and return true, if book with given id does not exists, it should return false.

  6. BooksController.Create post action should call repository method responsible for adding a book, if it succeeds, it should redirect to Index action, otherwise return Create view with model state error Book creation failed.

  7. BooksController.Update post action should call repository method responsible for updateing the book if succeeds, it should redirect to Index action, otherwise return Update view with model state error Book update failed .

  8. BooksController.DeleteBook post action should call repository method responsible for deleting a book, if it succeeds, it should redirect to Index action, otherwise return NonFound result.

  9. BooksController.Index action should call repository method responsible for fetching all books.


  1. Book object consits of Id and couple of string fields. You don`t have to worry about any validation of those fields, expect ISBN number. This number should be uniqe (in terms of default string equality, in ex. "Abc" is not equal to "abc").
  2. Please be aware that some user could try to add book with isbn already existing in database or try to update to exisiting isbn. In such cases methods responsive for such behavior in repository should return false, and BooksController should behave as decribed previously.
  3. Remember that BooksController.Update will be provided with object instance that will be unrelated to any data context scope.