
This is a simple wrapper around R packages ontologyIndex and ontologySimilarity.

This script takes a table of genomic variants in some patients as an input and outputs 2 metrics for them:

  1. raw similarity between a gene and patient's phenotype (0 = no similarity, 1 = perfect match)
  2. phe-value - how well this particular gene explains the patient's phenotype, in comparison with other genes affected in this dataset (0 = this gene is the best match for this patient phenotype, 1 = this is absolutely random match and other genes explain the phenotype much better).


  1. both abovementioned R packages installed,
  2. genes_to_phenotype file from OMIM is located in the same folder as this script,
  3. your input file "affected genes in samples" is tab-separated, each affected gene-sample takes a separate row, and your file has a header with the column names disease_details_HPO_term_id (here HPO terms OF PATIENTS should be described, separated by "; " split, for example - HP:0000248 - Brachycephaly; HP:0000343 - Long philtrum; , without quotation marks!), sample (containing sample IDs - take care that same IDs belong to patients with the same HPO described), gene (gene ID used in OMIM).

You run the script as:

Rscript match_genes_to_pheno.R input_file.txt

Result file with the name phevalues.annot.tsv will appear in the directory with the script.

The script will also produce a plot with phe-values and raw similarity scores - the general variants of interest are located on the top left part.