
How to train German T5 Tokenizer

German T5 Tokenizer

This repo gives an overview of how to train a custom T5 tokenizer for our German model.

Training corpus for German T5 tokenizer

We experiment with different corpora from GC4. The corpus used for training a tokenizer has huge impact on the downstream task model performance, as it can be seen in the "How Good is Your Tokenizer?" paper.

Thus, we calculate the so called subword fertility rate (number of subtokens / number of total tokens) for three downstream tasks: GermEval 2018 (Classification), GermEval 2014 (NER) and Universal Dependencies (PoS Tagging, Parsing).

To get an overview, we calculated the subword fertility rate for various German (cased) models:

Model Vocab Size Approach GermEval 2018 GermEval 2014 UD HDT Average
GC4 ELECTRA 64,000 WordPiece 1.4749 1.2063 1.2337 1.30
German BERT 30,000 WordPiece 1.6326 1.3121 1.3852 1.44
DBMDZ German BERT 31,102 WordPiece 1.5705 1.3004 1.35 1.41
GottBERT 52,009 BPE 1.7806 1.3934 1.4172 1.53
mT5 250,112 SPM 1.9149 1.7263 1.7545 1.80
Ours 32,000 SPM 1.7079 1.3824 1.4097 1.50

We use the following packages from GC4 (filtered) to construct our vocabulary:

Filename Instances Tokens Size
de_head_0000_2015-48_filtered.txt 6,823,262 230,285,046 1.7G
de_head_0000_2016-44_filtered.txt 1,305,750 70,525,146 509M
de_head_0004_2017-39_filtered.txt 1,585,725 51,027,153 364M
de_head_0007_2018-30_filtered.txt 1,321,017 42,280,783 302M
de_head_0007_2019-09_filtered.txt 2,798,132 91,992,353 654M
de_head_0007_2020-10_filtered.txt 1,204,554 37,558,448 270M
Total 15,038,440 523,668,929 3.7G

De-Constructing original T5 Tokenizer

Before we can start training an own tokenizer, we need to de-construct the original T5 tokenizer.

The original tokenizer is sentencepiece-based as mentioned in the paper. So let's download the spiece.model from Hugging Face model hub via:

$ wget "https://huggingface.co/t5-base/resolve/main/spiece.model"

and inspect it:

import sentencepiece as spm

vocab_file = "./spiece.model"
sp_model = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()

This will load the original spm-model. Now let's have a look at the first ids and items in the vocab:

for index in range(0,10):
    print(index, "->", sp_model.IdToPiece(index))

this outputs:

0 -> <pad>
1 -> </s>
2 -> <unk>
3 -> ▁
4 -> X
5 -> .
6 -> ,
7 -> s
8 -> ▁the
9 -> a

The first three ids are some kind of special symbols: <pad>, and </unk> and used for padding or denoting an end of sentence. When constructing our own vocab, we need to make sure, that we use the same ids at the beginning.

SPM training

Now we can train our own spm model. We use the unigram approach, because this was also used for building the ALBERT vocab (slightly mentioned in the documentation). We did not experiment with our algorithms.

Here's the training command:

import sentencepiece as spm


We set the the ids <pad_id>, <eos_id> and <unk_id> according to the original T5 spm model and also use a vocab size of 32,000.

Notice: training can take ~2 hours. For our 3.7GB corpus it consumes ~170GB of RAM.