Drooble - Small Website

This is the small task prepared for Drooble.

What's in the package?

  • index.php - This is the first page of the website.
  • database.php - This file contains the main information about your database setup:
    • $servername
    • $db_name
    • $db_user
    • $db_pass
  • logged.php - This is the logged view of the user.
  • assets - This is the folder with all assets used in the project:
    • ajax-handlers - This folder contains all AJAX handler scripts based on PHP.
    • styles - This folder contains the styles used for the project, based on SCSS.
    • db-controller.php - This file is used as an custom MySQL ORM for the project, all of its functions can be found in the code with small comments for each function.
    • session-controller.php - This file is the $_SESSION wrapper built for the project.
    • js-scripts.js - This file contains the JS scripts used for the project.

How to setup?

  1. Download the project
  2. Setup MySQL database with username & password
  3. Change the variables in the database.php file
  4. That should be it