
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


                  +--------------+                  +------------+
                  |              |                  |            |
                  |  Webserver   +------------------>  Scheduler |
                  |              |                  |            |
                  +------+-------+                  +-----+------+
                         |                                |
                         |                                |
                         v                                v
                +--------+--------+              +-------+-------+
                |                 |              |               |
                |  PostgreSQL DB  <--------------+  Worker       |
                |                 |              |  (Celery)     |
                +--------+--------+              +-------+-------+
                         ^                                ^
                         |                                |
                         |                                |
                  +------+-------+              +--------+--------+
                  |             |              |                 |
                  |  Redis      |              |  Triggerer      |
                  |             |              |                 |
                  +-------------+              +-----------------+
  • Webserver: UI for DAGs workspace, it's connected to PostgreSQL to store and retrieve metadata, interacting with the scheduler to run tasks.
  • Scheduler: Decides when and where to execute the tasks based in the DAGs configuration. Interacts with the DB to keep the state of tasks and * Redis to send the tasks to the workers.
  • Worker: Executes the given tasks by the Redis broker.
  • Triggerer: To monitor the tasks waiting for external events to complete.
  • PostgreSQL: Database to store DAGs metadata, tasks configurations and execution states.
  • Redis: Acts as a message broker between the scheduler and the workers.
  • Flower: Tasks queues monitoring.
  • airflow-init: It starts everything we need in order to function and get our UI running.
  • app: To load the data from the Grammy CSV into the DB

Up & running!

Rename the _env_template to .env and update with your values.

In the root folder execute the next in order to initialize wour workspace.

docker compose up airflow-init -d

Start UI

docker compose up -d

Cleaning-up the environment

docker compose down --volumes --remove-orphans

Go on!

go to http://localhost:8080 and login with airflow - airflow

