sing raspberry pi to control drone matrix 100.
Switch control mode pin to P
and then back to F
Make sure the API Control
checkbox is enabled on the N1 Assistant
This error seems to be related to incorrect key. Make sure your key variable don't get deallcated for some reason, that would cause the activate_data_t.app_key lose its value, and that will make your life miserable.
Download and install gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-2014.05_mac
$ sudo apt-get install g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
For more information on cross compiling ARM from MacOS see
The following command compiles the program targeting RaspberryPI ARM architecture.
$ make
The following command will configure your ~/.ssh/config file with SSH information for our raspberry1
and raspberry2
$ make ssh
In case you need to change the IP addresses for the Raspberry PIs, you can do so by editing the file ssh-config/config
The following command deploys the binary to the device configured as raspberry1
in your ~/.ssh/config
$ make deploy
In case you want to deploy the binary to raspberry2
, run:
$ make DEPLOY_TARGET=raspberry2 deploy