
DKAN Open Data Portal

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


DKAN - An Open Data Catalog built on Drupal 9/10

GetDKAN Maintainability Test Coverage GPL license DPG Badge

Getting Started with DKAN


DKAN's documentation can be found at https://dkan.readthedocs.io/en/latest

Requirements: https://dkan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/index.html#requirements


  • Harvesting of data from external catalogs that provide a data.json
  • Dataset metadata and resources
  • Web service API endpoints that provide remote/automated management of datasets
  • Integration with a decoupled REACT front end
  • A datastore to store CSV data files and make them queryable by third party applications.



DKAN and related modules are freely-available under the "GNU General Public License, version 2 or any later version" license.


If you have found a vulnerability in DKAN, please report this by e-mailing dkan-security@civicactions.com.


  • DKAN’s initial v1.0 release was in 2014 (this code is still available on the 7.x-1.x branch, although no longer supported).
  • In the fall of 2017, CivicActions took over sponsorship and maintenance of DKAN.
  • In May 2020 CivicActions released a completely rewritten version of DKAN to support Drupal 8, then 9 and 10. This new version (v2) was a complete ground up rebuild of the platform, integrating architectural insight from DKAN v1 and many new capabilities.