CustomHero-like map

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT


Custom Hero-like map.

In-game Commands

Statistic Board

A multiboard that contains information about players' damage done and kills

Command Short Purpose
-ResetStatistic -rs sets the statistic board's values to zero
-ShowTotalStatistic -sts shows statistic for the whole game
Command Purpose
-dmg pre shows damage taken (AFTER armor and ability reduction) on units as floating text
-dmg post shows damage dealing (BEFORE armor and ability reduction) on units as floating text
-dmg self shows only your own damage
-dmg all shows damage of all players
-dmg hide disables showing damage as floating text
-dmg show enables showing damage as floating text

Damage Info

Can be used in multiplayer.

Command Short Purpose
-ShowDamageInfo -sdi the player will receive detailed info about dealing and taken damage
-HideDamageInfo -hdi the player won't receive detailed about dealing and taken damage

Test Mode

Command Purpose
-TestMode enables the test mode

The commands below can be used only in the test mode.

Base Restoration

Command Short Purpose
-DisableBaseRestoration -dbr disables health and mana restoration at the base
-EnableBaseRestoration -ebr enables health and mana restoration at the base

Test Ghoul

Creates N enemy ghouls in TestGhoul rect that can be used to test abilities and items.

Command Short Purpose
-CreateTestGhoul N h -ctg N h creates enemy ghouls, where N is your number of ghouls and h is a flag that will make the ghouls be created at the hero's position. Both, the number of ghouls and flag h can be omitted.
-RemoveTestGhouls -rtg N kills N random ghouls
-SetTestGhoulHitPoints N -stghp N sets ghouls' amount of hit points to N
-SetTestGhoulArmor N -stga N sets ghouls' armor value to N
-SetTestGhoulDamage N -stgd N sets ghouls' attack damage value to N


Command Purpose
-Gold N sets the player's gold to N
-Lumber N sets the player's lumber to N


Command Short Purpose
-CreateAllCustomHeroes -cach adds all built custom heroes on the map
-CreateCustomHero N -cch N adds a built hero on the map by name N (not proper name) (non-case sensitive)
-RemoveCustomHeroes -rch removes all the added heroes from the map
Command Short Purpose
-DisableAttack -da disables attack for the player's hero
-EnableAttack -ea enables attack for the player's hero
Command Short Purpose
-SetHeroLevel N1 N2 -shl set the player's hero's level to N1 and gives him N2 experience points.
Command Short Purpose
-Immortal -imm the player's units have infinite hp and mana
Command Purpose
-Revive revives all dead custom heroes at the base


Command Short Purpose
-GoLevel N -gl N sends all custom heroes to level N
-ResetLevel N -rl N resets level N
-ResetAllLevels -ral resets all levels and returns heroes to the base