
Nonetwork during connection to Telos mainnet (desktop)

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This is network object which tries to connect to scatter.

a {name: "", protocol: "https", host: "", port: 443, blockchain: "eos", …}
blockchain: "eos" (also tried telos and EOSIO with the same result)
chainId: " 4667b205c6838ef70ff7988f6e8257e8be0e1284a2f59699054a018f743b1d11"
host: ""
name: ""
port: 443
protocol: "https"
token: null
__proto__: Object

Got this error with the standart example code (eosjs 20+)

{type: "no_network", message: "This user does not have this network in their Scatter.", code: 402, isError: true}
code: 402
isError: true
message: "This user does not have this network in their Scatter."
type: "no_network"
__proto__: Object

The network in scatter is established and account loaded, and also scatter succesfully performs actions from inside scatter desktop

Do you have the telos network enabled in Scatter?
The chainId in your codeblock also has a space in it. That might be causing it if you do have the network in there.