Importable JavaScript library that allows web applications to directly interface with Scatter Desktop, Classic and Mobile.
- 4
2.7.47 is incompatible with ual-scatter
#147 opened by conr2d - 0
#189 opened by wehmoen - 0
ScatterCDN failed
#187 opened by Dexaran - 0
- 2
When calling transact(eosio.msig), Firefox and Chrome caught exception that said firewalled.
#177 opened by fintechee - 2
JSON parsing error when RelaySocket connect fails
#173 opened by gtolarc - 0
Detecting auth
#170 opened by farmgameowner - 0
ES6 Proxy is not defined in IE11 and Old Chrome
#169 opened by dawsbot - 1
Scatter not found in Firefox
#165 opened by dawsbot - 1
Blocking when sendTransaction in Tron
#168 opened by AnyPang - 5
Scatter can't connect in a new blank Tab
#134 opened by icelanDesert - 0
Can't connect to scatter from browser
#167 opened by ifunsu - 0
Cannot read property 'getRawAbi' of undefined
#166 opened by batrudinych - 3
README broken links
#157 opened by ekkis - 0
- 0
- 3
- 5
Repeat websocket connections causes WalletAPI to utilize closed old websocket
#156 opened by bradlhart - 1
signing arbitrary data
#155 opened by robertkowalski - 1
eosjs2 naming confusion
#153 opened by limulidae - 0
TypeError: c is not a constructor
#152 opened by vgagaleski - 6
- 5
Account missing error, but it (private and publicKey are in actually in Scatter) exists and used previously
#141 opened by techraed - 2
Scatter connect error -
#138 opened by dgthbss - 8
Cannot set property 'contracts' of undefined
#100 opened by Pony-Unicorn - 3
- 1
- 4
Maximum call stack size exceeded
#127 opened by wujunchuan - 1
- 2
After I refresh the signed page, what can I do that bring up a new transaction without repeating the signature?
#137 opened by yangjing0319 - 1
Errors initializing scatter.eos
#136 opened by Sparke2 - 9
ScatterJS.identity is null without auto-filled when logged in and then refreshing page
#125 opened by fire-xyz - 1
Can't check connection status correctly
#133 opened by SerjKomarovsky - 5
Error "navigator is not defined" in NodeJS
#132 opened by Buzhanin - 0
Feature Request: Add Steem Blockchain, its DPOS like EOS and Scatter already has ETH and TRX
#131 opened by ackza - 0
- 3
fetch not defined in nodejs environment
#128 opened by mmcs85 - 1
- 2
"@scatterjs/eosjs2" is referencing to "scatterjs-core" instead of "@scatterjs/core"
#123 opened by Viterbo - 1
Improve performance of detecting connected state
#111 opened by liamcurry - 1
- 1
Remove references to eosjs@20.0.0-beta3
#119 opened - 0
Add arbitrary sigs for lynx
#117 opened by nsjames - 0
Question: ScatterJS.scatter.requestTransfer
#110 opened by caniko - 3
- 0
chrome web extension doesnt give the correct account's publickey which i logged in
#105 opened by jimmyyao88 - 5
Now I can get the account id with scatterJS.However, if I want to add the identity of an account to my scatter wallet, is there any API for it
#104 opened by keyBM - 3
scatterjs_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_10___default.a.scatter.eos is not a function
#103 opened by treasersimplifies - 11
- 4
Question: Can we use Scatter auth on Dapp that is hosted on localhost ?
#101 opened by WendySanarwanto