##Problem statement:

  1. Two player game
  2. In a move, a player can either cooperate/cheat.
  3. If both player cheats both player doesn't get any coin.
  4. If both player cooperates both player gets 1 coins each.
  5. If one player cheats and other cooperates, cheater will get 2 coins and cooperated player gets minus one coin from the total.

##Different Types:

  1. Copycat: Start with cooperate. Then, it repeats whatever the other player does.
  2. All cooperate: Always cooperate.
  3. All cheat: Always cheat.
  4. Grudger: Start with cooperate. Always cooperate till it gets cheated. Once cheated always cheats.
  5. Detective: Cooperate, Cheat, Cooperate and Cooperate. If other player ever retaliates with cheat, it plays like copycat, otherwise like All cheat.

##Game agenda Simplified version:

5 rounds per opponent, 5 opponents, Hence 5 * 5 = 25 moves, Input contains an 25 commands either cooperate or cheat output should be the score

Player1: [CH, CO, CH, CO, CH] Player2: [CO, CO, CH, CO, CH] 1: 2+1+0+1+0 = 5 2: -1+1+0+1+0 = 1