Please use which supports both Android and iOS

React Native Android Library for SimplSdk

This project serves as a SimplSdk wrapper to create custom React Native native SimplSDK modules that can later be installed through NPM and easily be used in production.

Installing it as a library in your main project

There are many ways to do this, here's the way I do it:

  1. Do npm install --save git+ in your main project.

  2. Link the library:

    • Add the following to android/settings.gradle:

      include ':react-native-android-library-simpl-sdk'
      project(':react-native-android-library-simpl-sdk').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-android-library-simpl-sdk/android')
    • Add the following to android/app/build.gradle:

      repositories {
          maven { url ""}
      dependencies {
          compile project(':react-native-android-library-simpl-sdk')
          compile ""
    • Add the following to android/app/src/main/java/**/

      public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
          protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
              return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
                  new MainReactPackage(),
                  new SimplReactPackage()     // add this for react-native-android-library-simpl-sdk
  3. Simply import/require it by the name defined in your library's package.json:

    import SimplSdk from 'react-native-android-library-simpl-sdk'
    //TO check either user is approved or not
    SimplSdk.isApproved('cc253a6252f4472dee9bd3539d594c10', '9538651315', '', true,/*To test in sandbox mode*/
                          (result) => showOrHideSimplButton(result),
                          (approvalError) => console.log("User approval error: "+approvalError));
    showOrHideSimplButton = (result) => {
      if(result === true) {
        //Show Simpl button
      } else {
        //Hide Simpl button
      title="Simpl Pay"
    authorizeTransaction = () => {
      //Authorise the transaction
      SimplSdk.authorizeTransaction(10000, ,"abcd1234"/*order_id*/, (transactionToken) => console.log("Transaction Token: "+transactionToken),
                                            (authError) => console.log("Authentication error: "+authError));
  4. You can test and develop your library by importing the node_modules library into Android Studio if you don't want to install it from git all the time.