
React Native wrapper for Native Fingerprinting SDK

Primary LanguageObjective-C

React Native Library for Simpl FingerPrint Sdk


This project serves as a Simpl FingerPrint Sdk wrapper for React Native. Currently supported React Native version: >= 0.50.3


Using npm:

npm install --save react-native-simpl-fingerprint-sdk

or using yarn:

yarn add react-native-simpl-fingerprint-sdk


Example app lives in example directory


React-native from v0.60 supports auto linking so none of the folwing steps are required.

Run the following command to link the SDK to Android and iOS

react-native link react-native-simpl-fingerprint-sdk

Add native SDK


Add the following to android/app/build.gradle:


repositories {
    maven { url "http://maven.getsimpl.com"}

dependencies {
    compile project(':react-native-simpl-fingerprint-sdk')
    compile "com.simpl.android:fingerprintSDK:+"


If you are using Cocoapods, Add FingerPrint SDK to your Podfile

pod 'react-native-simpl-fingerprint-sdk', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native-simpl-fingerprint-sdk/react-native-simpl-fingerprint-sdk.podspec

Then run,

pod install

If you are not using Cocoapods, Link the Framework from here manually.


For generating fingerprint data:

import Simpl from "react-native-simpl-fingerprint-sdk";
//Get Payload
  (payload) => {
    console.log("Fingerprint", payload);