
This repo contains SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, JS & React Native projects for some of the iOS and Android tutorial series in the Stream Developers YouTube channel (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNBhvhkAJG6tJYnY-5oZ1JCp2fBNbVL_6).

Primary LanguageSwift

Stream Developers iOS/SwiftUI, Android/Compose, and React Native Tutorial Projects.

You can find the projects in their respective folders.

SwiftUI Telegram Clone: Text/voice messaging, audio/video calling, and animations

SwiftUI Telegram Clone

visionOS Drawing App

SwiftUI Telegram Clone

PencilKit SwiftUI Drawing App

PencilKit SwiftUI Drawing App

Building Fun SwiftUI Animations

Watch the tutorial on YouTube SwiftUI animated comments and emoji reactions SwiftUI animated SVG and emoji reactions

Test and send iOS push notifications in a SwiftUI or UIKit app using the simulator: SwiftUI Project

Alert Push Notifications