
👩‍⚕️📡 Telemedicine app with video and chat built using Stream Chat and Dolby.io

Primary LanguageSwift

💬 Telemedicine App for iOS with Stream Chat and Dolby.io

📚 Tutorial

This repository contains the completed Xcode project following the How to Build a Telemedicine App with Video and Chat for iOS tutorial. You should read it before trying to run this project as it contains it may contain useful information not present in this README.

⚙️ Setup



You should place your Stream Chat and Dolby.io credentials in AppDelegate.swift.


To install the dependencies, use CocoaPods in the TelemedicineApp folder:

$ pod install --repo-update


Run this sample app as any normal app, but only on real devices. If you run in a simulator, the chat will work, but you won't be able to watch or stream video due to limitations of the simulator, though voice should work.

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