
Setting up a Scala development environment

Setup Play Application

Instructions for setting up a Scala development environment with the Play Framework and an IDE.

Building the starter project

  1. Install a Java Development Kit (JDK) from Oracle (this is a link to Java 8, but you can install anything up to 11)
  2. Install the Scala Built Tools (SBT), instructions for Mac, Linux and Window can be found here
  3. Open a terminal/command prompt in the location you want to create your project.
  4. Run the following command sbt new playframework/play-scala-seed.g8 This instruction can be found on the play framework getting started site.
  5. Navigate to the top level directory of the project. (the one with build.sbt) In the case of the example this is play-scala-seed.
  6. Run sbt run and open a browser and navigate to localhost:9000
  7. If everything works, you should see a Welcome to Play! message.

Working with the IntelliJ IDE

  1. Download the Intellij community edition (free) IDE for your operating system. Instructions can be found on the jetbrains website here

  2. Open the preferences and install the scala plugin (screenshot below)

screenshot of scala-plugin

  1. Click on File > Open... and navigate to the project folder. Click on the build.sbt file and then open. You will be given 3 options:

screenshot of open-project

  1. Choose Open as Project (this is critical to get the IDE to recognise this as a Scala project and have intelli-sense work correctly)

  2. You will be given an option to Import Project from sbt. Leave the options at default and click OK.

screenshot of import-project

  1. At the top of the IDE there is an option to Add Configuration (this is for building and running).

screenshot of add-configuration

  1. Click the + symbol and choose sbt Task from the list.

screenshot of add-sbt-task

  1. For the Name: and Tasks: type in run

screenshot of configure-sbt-task

  1. You can now click on the play button to run the application from the IDE.

screenshot of run-application