
An alternative to Optimizely's default category functionality, where categories are instead stored as localizable IContent.

Primary LanguageC#

Geta Optimizely Categories

Quality Gate Status Platform Platform


An alternative to Optimizely's default category functionality, where categories are instead stored as localizable IContent.


  • Localization (no more language XML files)
  • More user friendly edit UI
  • Access rights support (some editors should perhaps have limited category access)
  • Shared and site specific categories in multisite solutions
  • Partial routing of category URL segments
  • Search provider support: Geta.Optimizely.Categories.Find

How to get started?

Install NuGet package from Episerver NuGet Feed:

dotnet add package Geta.Optimizely.Categories

Register the module in Startup.cs using the following service extension


Then, call the following in the Configure method:


Start by creating a category content type that inherits from CategoryData. You can have multiple if you need. Note that CategoryData is included in the package, there is no need to create your own.

public class BasicCategory : CategoryData

public class ExtendedCategory : BasicCategory
	public virtual XhtmlString MainBody { get; set; }

Implement ICategorizableContent on your content type class to categorize your content.

public class MyPageType : PageData, ICategorizableContent
  public virtual IList<ContentReference> Categories { get; set; }

Above property will look familiar if you have used standard Optimizely categories before.

category selector category selector dialog

Edit categories

Instead of going to admin mode to manage categories, you now do it in edit mode, under the "Categories" tab in the main navigation component to the left. You work with them like normal pages, and it's possible to translate them. You can create categories that are shared between multiple sites or you can create site specific categories.

extended category tree


  • CategorySeparator - defaults to "__"
    • i.e. "/articles/entertainment__sports/"
  • DisableCategoryAsLinkableType - defaults to false
    • Allows you to disable linking to categories in the 'Create link' modal window in the CMS (e.g. in TinyMCE or on a LinkItem)
  • HideDisallowedRootCategories - defaults to false
    • Possibility to hide root categories based on [AllowedTypes] setting
  • ShowDefaultCategoryProperty - default to false
    • Allows you to show the default Episerver category property

You can configure categories in Startup.cs. Below is an example where we change the category seperator:

services.AddCategories(o =>
	o.CategorySeparator = "---";

In addition, the configuration can be read from the appsettings.json:

"Geta": {
    "Categories": {
      "CategorySeparator":  "__",
      "DisableCategoryAsLinkableType": false,
      "HideDisallowedRootCategories": false,
      "ShowDefaultCategoryProperty": false

The configuration from the appsettings.json will override any configuration set in Startup.cs.

ICategorizableContent interface

There is a context menu in the selector where you quickly can create and auto publish a new category and automatically get back to the selector with the new category selected:

category selector dialog create new

If you prefer to use the native content reference list editor for your categories you can skip the CategoriesAttribute:

public virtual IList<ContentReference> Categories { get; set; }

content reference list

If you want a single category on your content type just add a ContentReference property:

public virtual ContentReference MainCategory { get; set; }

ICategoryContentLoader interface

There is an implementation of ICategoryContentLoader that you can use to load categories:

public interface ICategoryContentLoader
    T Get<T>(ContentReference categoryLink) where T : CategoryData;
    IEnumerable<T> GetChildren<T>(ContentReference parentCategoryLink) where T : CategoryData;
    //... + overloads
    T GetFirstBySegment<T>(string urlSegment) where T : CategoryData;
    //... + overloads
    IEnumerable<T> GetGlobalCategories<T>() where T : CategoryData;
    //... + overloads
    IEnumerable<T> GetSiteCategories<T>() where T : CategoryData;
    //... + overloads
    bool TryGet<T>(ContentReference categoryLink, out T category) where T : CategoryData;

IContentInCategoryLocator interface

You can use IContentInCategoryLocator to find content in certain categories:

public interface IContentInCategoryLocator
    IEnumerable<T> GetChildren<T>(ContentReference contentLink, IEnumerable<ContentReference> categories) where T : ICategorizableContent, IContentData;
    //... + overloads
    IEnumerable<T> GetDescendents<T>(ContentReference contentLink, IEnumerable<ContentReference> categories, CultureInfo culture) where T : ICategorizableContent, IContentData;
    //... + overloads
    IEnumerable<T> GetReferencesToCategories<T>(IEnumerable<ContentReference> categories) where T : ICategorizableContent, IContentData;
    //... + overloads


Two routes are mapped during initialization. One for site categories and one for global categories. This means you can create templates for your category content types. They are routed in a similar way as normal pages. You can set the root segment on the "For This Site" and "For All Sites" category nodes in the Categories tree.

for this site routing

Using above example, the URL "/siteassets/topics/sports/" would be routed to the site category called "Sports". Similarly you could go to "/globalassets/topics/global-category-1" for the global category "Global category 1".

ICategoryRoutableContent interface

Implement this on your content type:

public class ArticleListPage: PageData, ICategoryRoutableContent 

It will be possible to route category URL segments with the help of a partial router shipped in this package. Let's say you have an article list page with the URL "/articles/" on your site. If you have a category with the url segment of "sports", you can add it to the end of your list page URL, "/articles/sports/", and the category data will be added to the route values with the key "currentCategory". Your controller action method could look something like this:

public ActionResult Index(ArticleListPage currentPage, IList<CategoryData> currentCategories)

You can also have multiple category URL segments separated with the configured category separator: /articles/entertainment__sports/, currentCategories will now contain both "Sports" and "Entertainment".

There are a couple of UrlHelper and UrlResolver extension methods included to get content URL with category segment added:

	@Url.CategoryRoutedContentUrl(/*ContentReference*/ contentLink, /*ContentReference*/ categoryContentLink) // Single category
	@Url.CategoryRoutedContentUrl(/*ContentReference*/ contentLink, /*IEnumerable<ContentReference>*/ categoryContentLinks) // Multiple categories

	@UrlResolver.Current.GetCategoryRoutedUrl(/*ContentReference*/ contentLink, /*ContentReference*/ categoryContentLink) // Single category
	@UrlResolver.Current.GetCategoryRoutedUrl(/*ContentReference*/ contentLink, /*IEnumerable<ContentReference>*/ categoryContentLinks) // Multiple categories


visitorgroup criteria

You can use Geta Categories as visitor group criteria. Meaning that a user has to visit a page with the configured category a certain amount of times to match the criteria.

Sandbox App

Sandbox application is testing poligon for package new features and bug fixes.

CMS username: admin@example.com Password: Episerver123!

Breaking changes from Geta.EpiCategories

  • The partial router for ICategoryRoutableContent only supports IList<CategoryData>
  • IEnumerableExtensions: MemberOf MemberAny MemberAll have been moved to Geta.Optimizely.Extensions v2.1.0

Package maintainer

