
ASP .Net Core implementation of Soap Server

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


ASP .Net Core implementation of Soap Server. Supports part of features of WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) in .Net Framework 4.x.

Published on NuGet.org - https://www.nuget.org/packages/SoapCoreServer/.

Build Status


  • Supports transfer modes: text, binary, stream+text, stream+binary
  • Supports compress modes: binary+deflate, binary+gzip, stream+binary+deflate, stream+binary+gzip
  • Supports transfer data in request headers (for DataContractSerializer mode only)
  • Supports 2 serialization modes: DataContractSerializer and XmlSerializer
  • Supports IsOneWay methods (returns void). But not like WCF - when IsOneWay=true returns empty response
  • Generate wsdl schema compatible with generated by native WCF (SOAP 1.1 & 1.2, types inheritance, generic types, enums with numeric values)
  • Supports async methods
  • Supports different content encodings


  • Require declaration of attributes ServiceContract, OperationContract, DataContract, MessageContract for service interfaces
  • Require declaration of attributes DataMember, MessageBodyMember, MessageHeaderMember for DataContractSerializer mode
  • Require declaration of attributes XmlElement, XmlArray, XmlArrayItem for XmlSerializer mode
  • ref/out parameters not supported
  • Methods must contains no more than one parameter
  • Methods parameters must be of complex types (string, int, long, etc not supported)


  1. Service interface
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://soapcoreserver")]
public interface ISoapService
        Action = "http://soapcoreserver/SendRequest",
        ReplyAction = "http://soapcoreserver/SendRequestResponse")]
    Task<SendRequestResponse> SendRequest(SendRequest sendRequest);
  1. Service and data types implementation for DataContractSerializer mode
[DataContract(Name = "SendRequest", Namespace = "http://soapcoreserver")]
[MessageContract(WrapperName = "SendRequest", WrapperNamespace = "http://soapcoreserver", IsWrapped = true)]
[XmlType(Namespace = "http://soapcoreserver")]
public class SendRequest
    [DataMember(Order = 0)]
    [MessageBodyMember(Namespace = "http://soapcoreserver, Order = 0)]
    public string Message { get; set; }

[DataContract(Name = "SendRequestResponse", Namespace = "http://soapcoreserver")]
[XmlType(Namespace = "http://soapcoreserver")]
public class SendRequestResponse
    [DataMember(Order = 0)]
    [MessageBodyMember(Namespace = "http://soapcoreserver, Order = 0)]
    public string Message { get; set; }

public class SoapService : ISoapService
    public async Task<SendRequestResponse> SendRequest(SendRequest sendRequest)
        return await Task.FromResult(
            new SendRequestResponse {
                Message = sendRequest.Message
  1. SoapCoreServer register
using SoapCoreServer;

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        // optional
        services.AddSoapExceptionTransformer(exception => exception.Message);

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
        app.UseSoapEndpoint<SoapService>(new SoapCoreOptions()
                                                 .AddEndpoint(new Endpoint("/text", MessageType.Text))
                                                 .AddEndpoint(new Endpoint("/gzip", MessageType.StreamBinaryGZip))


.Net Core 2.x, .Net Core 3.x, .Net Framework >= 4.7.


The software released under the terms of the MIT license.