- It is web server just like our Apache , Tomcat and many more are there . Many Companies which are using nginx for many reasons . It is very simple to edit configurations , applying proxies , applying reverse-proxies and also we can use it for the Load balncer and even for more complex tasks .
- Clerk is npm package which provides easy hooks , components for managing user Authentication and user State
- Here is demo project with it : https://clerkauth-eight.vercel.app/
- The Taquito is kind of like ethersjs / Web3js if we consider EVM and EVM based chains . It provides all functions and methods to interact with Tezos (It is NON-EVM based blockchain) . Taquito can be accessed with WSL and from linux terminal .
- It is basically NFT based platform made with Tezos Blockchain and svelte kit and LIGO Language https://tezosnft.vercel.app/ : Deployed code link