
Integration between Trello and Rocket.Chat: send Trello activity notifications to Rocket.Chat channels.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Rocket.Chat Trello integration to send activity notifications to Rocket.Chat channels.


How To

  • Create an incoming webhook in your RocketChat
    • Go to RocketChat-> Administration-> Integrations-> New Integration-> Incoming webhook
    • Set "Enabled" to "True"
    • Give a name for the webhook (i.e "sda.tech-trello")
    • Select the channel where you will receive the alerts (e.g: #sda.tech-events). You may wish to create a dedicated channel for your notifications.
    • Select an account from which the alerts will be posted (usually rocket.cat account is used).
    • Set "Script Enabled" to "True"
    • Paste Trello.js inside the Script field.
    • Save the integration. This will generate a webhook URL and secret for you.
    • Use the generated WebHook URL to POST messages to Rocket.Chat
  • Go to Trello's REST API and enter your Trello API Key and your Token to get started.
    • After you have been connected to the Trello’s REST API you may wish to GET /1/boards/{id} which request a single board you are looking for, by providing the id of the board as a parameter (For example in the URL https://trello.com/b/Id0fth3B0rD/board-name, the id would be Id0fth3B0rD). Run:
      curl --request GET \
        --url 'https://api.trello.com/1/boards/{id}?key={key}&token={token}' \
        --header 'Accept: application/json'
      to get the result, where key/token are comming from the Trello API Key.
    • Select "id": "idModel" of a board which you would like to create POST messages to Rocket.Chat.
    • Go to Create a Webhook in the Trello’s REST API and add your WebHook URL (callbackURL), Board Id (idModel) and other parameters as below:
       curl --request POST \
         --url 'https://api.trello.com/1/webhooks/?key={key}&token={token}&callbackURL={callbackURL}&idModel={id}' \
         --header 'Accept: application/json'
    • Execute it to make it works.
  • The integration is ready to generate notifications for the given board :) Enjoy it!