
GelSlim shape reconstruction project

Primary LanguagePython



  • Local Shape: From raw GelSlim image to local heightmap reconstruction
  • Global Shape: From multiple raw GelSlim images and robot poses to global shape reconstruction
  • GelSlim simulation: From virtual heightmap to simulated GelSlim picture

Things you can do:

1. Gather Data:

Capture 1 Picture [No robot movement]:

Initialize pman and run: 0-roscore, 1-robotconfig-real, 5-rviz

cd gathering

open data_collector.py

Make sure in name == "main":

  1. You initialize the DataCollector class with: only_one_shot=True
  2. You put the save_path you want
  3. dc.it is the number which will define the name of the image (if you want to save multiple images in the same directory, make sure you change this number each time)
  4. You select the data you want to get in dc.get_data(...)

python data_collector.py

You can control+c the program once you see something written in the Terminal (there is a deault delay otherwise)

Capture Video [No robot movement]:

Initialize pman and run: 0-roscore, 1-robotconfig-real, 5-rviz

cd gathering

open data_collector.py

Make sure in name == "main":

  1. You initialize the DataCollector class with: only_one_shot=False
  2. You put the save_path you want
  3. dc.it = -1
  4. You select the data you want to get in dc.get_data(...)
  5. You put the time you want to be recording in time.sleep(#seconds)

python data_collector.py

You can control+c the program whenever you think you have enough data

Predefined Tactile Exploration [Robot movement]:

Initialize pman and run: 0-roscore, 1-robotconfig-real, 2-abb, 3-hand, 5-rviz

cd gathering

open main_movement.py

In name == "main":

  1. experiment_name is the path where all the data will be saved
  2. movement_list is a list of (x, y, z) translations that the robot will do, after each movement it will stop and close the gripper.
  3. Make sure in gs_ids you put all the gs ids from which you want to capture the image
  4. You can put more than one element in force_list and the gripper will close multiple times at each stop with the forces specified

python main_movement.py

2. Calibrate the GelSlim position wrt World:

Steps: 0. Change the robot finger for the calibraton tool and touch characteristic points in the environment. Take note of the (x, y, z) position wrt the base of the robot. Put the finger again.

  1. Using the Predefined Tactile Exploration methodology touch around the areas from, which you have characteristic points saved

cd pos_calibration

open fitting_package.py

In name == "main":

2.1. If your characteristic points are squares, border or line, then the positions are precalculated, uncomment the corresponding block and run the program, otherwise, you'll need to create a custom point_list in def get_real_point_list()

2.2. Change the touches_list to range of the number of touches you have for that particular touching set.

2.3. If you want to preload from previous automatic saving put the path to already_done

python fitting_package.py

Manually click the characteristic points in the same order as the point_list. For squares it is the reading order, for line is up to down, and for border it is an inverted "c" from top to bottom. If you can't see a point roll the mouse scroll once to cancel. You will have feedback at the terminal.

open world_calib.py

In name == "main": Enter the .npy paths generated in the previous step into file_list

python world_calib.py

  1. Copy the parameters printed in the terminal to the resources/params.yaml

3. Calibrate the GelSlim height map:

  1. If you need to record new training data, follow the steps shown in Capture Video [No robot movement]

  2. First we will preprocess the data:

cd depth_calibration

open image_processing.py

In name == "main":

2.1. in load_path enter the folder with the recorded data

2.2. in save_path enter were you want to save it

2.3. enter which geometric_shape you will be processing (sphere, semicone_1, hollowcone, semipyramid), if sphere enter sphere_R_mm too

2.4. Enter how many copies of data augmentation you want in augmented_data_copies (0 if you don't want to augment)

2.5 Choose whether visualize or save

python image_processing.py

(do this for each object you want to train)

  1. Training the model:

open learning.py

In train(...): 4.1. simulator=False

4.2. Make sure you change the weights_filepath (so that it doesn't overwrite)

4.3. Enter the paths of the processed data you want to use for the training (the path to the folder with the processed GSimages)

4.4. You can limit the amount of data by changing the param max_data_points

(to change input/output sizes you can edit the file resources/params.yaml, to change generator params you can edit depth_calibration/Datagenerator.py)

python learning.py

3. Reconstruct global shape:

  1. Collect a Predefined Tactile Exploration [Robot movement]: dataset if you haven't got one.

cd location

open location.py

  1. In name == "main": Enter the number of the touches you want to consider in the reconstruction in touch_list
  2. In get_global_pointcloud(...): You can comment/uncomment if what type of local pointcloud stitching you want to use (simple vs icp)

python location.py

4. Simulate GS image from gradients:

  1. If you don't have the data, follow the steps 0. to 4. of 3. Calibrate the GelSlim height map:

cd depth_calibration

open learning.py

  1. In train(...):

2.1. simulator=False

2.2. Make sure you change the weights_filepath (so that it doesn't overwrite)

2.3. Enter the paths of the processed data you want to use for the training (the path to the folder with the processed GSimages)

2.4. You can limit the amount of data by changing the param max_data_points

(to change input/output sizes you can edit the file resources/params.yaml, to change generator params you can edit depth_calibration/Datagenerator.py)

Note: What we are doing here is using the same network architecture but changing input by output and output by input and the first and last layer to match dimensions.