Documentation for the liquibase website.

The files in the scripts\redirect_creation directory comprise the terraform configuration called by our GitHub Actions workflows for the publishing of 301 redirects to documentation websites, both staging and production.

The publishing of site redirects is part of the overall content publishing workflow used by the Liquibase Documentation Team.

Please send us pull requests if you see something that needs to be updated!

How to make docs changes

This workflow is as follows:

  1. Documentation team members publish updated content to a staging site directly from their content management system (Flare).
  2. They then create a Pull Request (PR) from a new branch to the master branch or sometimes make commits directly to master branch that adds or updates 301 redirects in the repo/scripts/redirect_creation/ file.
  3. The creation of the PR runs send-docs-redirects-to-staging.yml first and then after it's completion runs send-enterprise-redirects-to-staging.yml, which automatically runs the Terraform plan and outputs changes to be applied in the s3://stage-docsstageliquibasecom-origin and s3://stage-enterprisestagedocsliquibasecom-origin respectively to their stagging bucket.
  4. The Docs team merges the PR into master or changes directly made to master : runs send-docs-redirects-to-staging.yml and then runs send-enterprise-redirects-to-staging.yml which automatically stages redirect changes to s3://stage-docsstageliquibasecom-origin and s3://stage-enterprisestagedocsliquibasecom-origin respectively (in liquibase-admin) for preview.
  5. The Docs team then previews/verifies both content and redirects on the staging site.
  6. At this point the public documentation website for Liquibase should be fully up to date.

Thank you for your submission!