
The world is currently under the impact of COVID-19. Wearing face masks has become mandatory for all. Face recognition systems have become inefficient as most of the face remains covered so it becomes difficult to identify the faces. With our project we aim to solve this problem by training our model with occluded faces. We plan to use CNN i.e. Convolutional neural networks to extract the features of the face and identify it.

Primary LanguagePython


A face recognition application that will also detect human identity even with face mask.

How to use this?

  1. Run real_time_face_recognition.py, and then Press "S" to automatically crop and save your face inside the database floder. The accuracy will be lowered if we put image of a person who is not full face inside the database floder. More face features is required for masked face recognition.

  2. Run the real_time_face_recognition.py again.

This are some outputs of face with mask on and mask off.

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