
Channel bot in #easyrpg on freenode using the cinch framework

Primary LanguageRubyISC LicenseISC


The channel bot in #easyrpg on freenode, provides logs, pizza and a lot of other stuff.

It is is written in ruby, using the cinch bot framework (our legacy EV0001 bot was written from scratch).


Needed gems besides cinch are (see Gemfile for details):

Deprecated/Optional gems:

You can use bundler to install them and their dependencies.

$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle [--shebang="ruby2.1"]

If you provide the path argument, gems will be installed locally.

Secret values (passwords and such) are read from a file secrets.yml on startup. A template is provided, you need to copy it and fill in the values or remove all references to $secrets and fill in the values directly.


$ ./EV0002

This helper script tries to detect if you installed the gems locally with bundler and will run EV0002 in bundler environment if needed.


This bot and plugins were written by carstene1ns and the EV0002 authors. They are licensed under the ISC license, see LICENSE file for details. There are a few exceptions to the license, see Acknowledgements sections for details.


plugins/http_server.rb by Quintus, under LGPL license - from https://github.com/Quintus/cinch-plugins

plugins/logplus.rb by Quintus, under LGPL license - from https://github.com/Quintus/cinch-plugins


  • plugins/link_github_issues.rb:

    Takes a list of available projects and links corresponding issues when an user sends a message containing <project>#<number>. Uses GitHub json api to find issue title, state and URL.

  • plugins/logplus.rb:

    Modified version of Quintus' plugin, see above. Generates HTML logs and links a corresponding log file, when a user uses the log command with a human readable time specification, e.g. log monday last week.

  • plugins/http_server.rb:

    Helper plugin by Quintus, see above. Provides the webserver used by the Webhook plugins.

  • plugins/dokuwiki_xmlrpc.rb:

    Simple plugin to use Dokuwiki's XMLRPC api. Currently only provides search functionality and the wiki URL.

  • plugins/easyrpg_links.rb:

    Simple plugin that links webservices related to the EasyRPG project.

  • plugins/asciifood.rb:

    Fun plugin, that outputs something to drink or eat.

  • plugins/github_webhooks.rb:

    Uses GitHub webhooks to provide channel notifications, when something happens on a monitored GitHub project. This uses the webserver provided by http_server.rb and relies on the GitHub api of course. Similiar plugins are named octospy for other bot frameworks.

  • plugins/blog_webhooks.rb:

    Uses webhooks to provide channel notifications, when someone adds a new blogpost/page or someone adds a comment/replies to a comment This uses the webserver provided by http_server.rb and relies on the hookpress wordpress plugin or a hosted setup at wordpress.com. Currently, it does not display full information, as the hooks are limited to specific fields.

  • plugins/playstore_reviews.rb:

    Uses the Google PlayStore API (pulled with a timer) to provide channel notifications, when someone adds a new review or updates an old review for our Android app.

  • plugins/twitter_webhooks.rb:

    Uses Zapier webhooks to provide channel notifications, when something project related happens on Twitter. This uses the webserver provided by http_server.rb and relies on the Zapier service and Twitter api.