Dustin D'Avignon
This is the third project for the Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree. In this project, a large database with over a million rows is explored by building complex SQL queries to draw business conclusions for the data. The project mimics building an internal reporting tool for a newpaper site to discover what kind of articles the site's readers like. The database contains newspaper articles, as well as the web server log for the site.
- Python3
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant And VirtualBox
- Clone this repository
Launch Vagrant VM by running vagrant up
, you can the log in with vagrant ssh
To load the data, use the command psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
to connect a database and run the necessary SQL statements.
The database includes three tables:
- Authors table
- Articles table
- Log table
To execute the program, run python3 newsdata.py
from the command line.