Locations: Riyadh Markers: Pizza locations. This project is React, Google Map, Foursquare and bootstrap 4 powered single page application.
In order to make this project work, several components were created
this is for filter search resualts, and handle user click search result.MapView.js
this is google map component, It's main functionality is for handle user click and show search resultsFourSquareAPI.js
this is not a component, but it handle data from foursquare server.
The service worker
bundled with this app only woks in production mode
, so in order to make
code production you need to run commond:
yarn run build
, the build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
The app production code will be in build
folder. Then app is ready to be deployed.
- Open the terminal
Into the app directory- type
yarn install
to install app dependences, - typeor
yarn star
, to run app with develop mode, then you can type "http://localhost:3000" in your browser to use the app. - The service worker is implemented only in the production build.
- enjoy!