
Climate application with GPS based current location iOS

Primary LanguageSwift

Clima - Weather App

Complete Xcode Application for iOS

To run on your Xcode

To Add API key follow the following steps

  • Open project in Xode
  • In Model Group open file WeatherManager.swift
let weatherURL = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?appid=YOUR_API_KEY&units=metric"
  • Replace YOUR_API_KEY.

Features of this APP

  • Dark Mode Support for images using vectors
  • Named Colors for Dark/Light mode support
  • Current Location for weather where you are

Swift Concepts Implemented

  • Delegated and Protocols
  • Extensions
  • URL Sessions and Networking (API)
  • CoreLocation

App Preview

Dark Mode

Light Mode


As I developed this app while learning, you can suggest new features in it, idea to make the code readabilty better.