
This repository contains my solutions to various coding exercises from exercism.org in Go Track. Exercism is an online platform that provides practice exercises in multiple programming languages, helping developers improve their skills through hands-on coding challenges.

Primary LanguageGo


This repository contains my solutions to the exercises in the Go track on exercism.org.

Exercism is an online platform that offers coding exercises and mentorship for various programming languages. The Go track focuses on improving proficiency in Go programming through a series of progressively challenging exercises.


The repository is organized into folders, each representing a different exercise from the Go track. Within each exercise folder, you will find my solution file(s).

Getting Started

If you're interested in using this repository to explore my solutions or compare them with your own, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/GhazalADel/Go-Exercism.git
  1. Navigate to the exercise folder you want to explore. Each exercise is contained within its own folder.
  2. Open the solution file(s) to view the code and study the implementation.
  3. If necessary, refer to the exercise instructions on exercism.org for more context or additional information.
  4. Feel free to experiment with the code, make modifications, or test it against different inputs to deepen your understanding of the exercise.