Pinned Repositories
Implementing several search algorithms(A*, IDS, bidirectional BFS) for a specific problem(similar to sliding puzzle)
Implementation of an email management system with MySQL DB and GUI.
Exchange data between two nodes and a server with MQTT and CoAP protocols.
Implementing LRTA* by using three heuristics for Mario game
Implementing a Text Filler using N-grams for Billion Word Imputation dataset. Backoff model used for the trigram model.
Implementing a dashboard for remote management of virtual machines in VirtualBox with abilities including starting and stopping a VM, cloning a new VM, and executing commands on a remote VM.
The server broadcasts a UDP message for selecting the client and then they will start to chat, using TCP socket programming.
Utilized causal trees to investigate the heterogeneous effect of each Spark configuration on an application’s execution time
Implementation of both the backend and frontend of a realtor website named KILID, the backend is implemented with DJANGO framework
A lightweight framework that enables serverless users to reduce their bills by harvesting non-serverless compute resources such as their VMs, on-premise servers, or personal computers.
GhazalSdn's Repositories
Utilized causal trees to investigate the heterogeneous effect of each Spark configuration on an application’s execution time
Implementing several search algorithms(A*, IDS, bidirectional BFS) for a specific problem(similar to sliding puzzle)
Implementation of an email management system with MySQL DB and GUI.
Exchange data between two nodes and a server with MQTT and CoAP protocols.
Implementing LRTA* by using three heuristics for Mario game
Implementing a Text Filler using N-grams for Billion Word Imputation dataset. Backoff model used for the trigram model.
Implementing a dashboard for remote management of virtual machines in VirtualBox with abilities including starting and stopping a VM, cloning a new VM, and executing commands on a remote VM.
The server broadcasts a UDP message for selecting the client and then they will start to chat, using TCP socket programming.
Implementation of both the backend and frontend of a realtor website named KILID, the backend is implemented with DJANGO framework
A system with the ability to store data from a CSV file in RocksDB, and make the necessary changes to the content of the database, and retrieve information from it.
Implementation of an auto-scaling load balancer for balancing the load between three VMS.
1. Face detection using eigenfaces, 2. Image compression with SVD and DCT, 3. Face recognition by SVD.
Implementation of a file server for all types of files with features such as uploading, downloading, renaming, deleting, viewing properties of afile, and searching.
Prediction of Individuals’ Health Insurance Cost using Multivariable Regression. Employed feature selection algorithms and deployed multiple machine learning regression models.
Implementation of a secure tunnel for sending files between client and server in two phases: 1) using symmetric encryption and physical key 2)using asymmetric encryption and Diffie-Hellman algorithm for exchanging keys.
This repo is for the Linkedin Learning course: Learning Terraform
Implementation of an application for listening to music with several formats such as mp3, ogg, wav, and showing lyrics and music visualizer for each song.
A chatroom implemented with socket programming. The server maintains information about the clients and chat groups and dispatches the messages. (By using select system call ) -Adding new system calls to xv6
Implementation of several scheduling policies and ticket lock for xv6 operating system.