

Primary LanguageC

Packet Dropper LKM


This project can be harmful to your machine, you'd better try it on a virtual machine or virtual box

What does it do?

This loadable kernel module is a simple firewall. Get a blacklist or whitelist file from a user and drop wanted packets. A test file sends a list to the kernel by "write", the kernel gets the list and understand it's black or white. This module supports different users.

what does this project contain

  • an "firewall.c" file : a LKM code
  • a "test.c" file : test file for LKM
  • a "Makefile"
  • a "config.txt" file :blacklist or whitelist of user


-First I create a device with the name "firewall"

  • An important point here is that the name of the function is icmp_drop but don't care name it drop all packets from a blacklisted IP or receive all packets from a whitelist IP.
  • This module compares ips[0] whit blacklist and whitelist and then decide what to do.
  • It has 2 hooks which are used for white and black
  • NF_DROP drop a packet and NF_ACCEPT accept the packet
  • In log prints IP and port of destination, an source and it prints that packet is dropped or accepted
  • The variable in kernel must be static so that can't be changed by other users
  • Pay attention to your warning while compiling, they are important
  • Pay attention to function "copy_from_user" which gets data from the user in "mydev_write", I got lots of "KILLED" error because of using other functions.


  • open users file and send to the kernel
  • Note: after make, run it with Sudo

sudo ./test


  • compile LKM and test files and make .ko (this file can be loaded to kernel)


  • start with blacklist or whitelist and continue whit IPs.

How to add the module to the kernel and run test

$ make
$ sudo insmod firewall.ko
$ lsmod 
$ sudo ./test

now go to the log file and monitor mini firewall module(e.g ping from the blacklist) By lsmod check module is added or not It was told in our TA class you may need to insmod with -f but that was not needed for main.

Remove the module from kernel and clean

$ sudo rmmod firewall.ko
$ make clean


http://derekmolloy.ie/writing-a-linux-kernel-module-part-2-a-character-device/[f1] http://derekmolloy.ie/writing-a-linux-kernel-module-part-2-a-character-device/[f1] https://github.com/payamnaghdy/ICMPdropko[f1] https://netfilter.org/[f1] https://focusvirtualization.blogspot.com/2017/09/protocol-stack-69-print-ip-and-port.html[f1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9296835/convert-source-ip-address-from-struct-iphdr-to-string-equivalent-using-linux-ne[f1] And the TA class


Ghazale Zehtab Reach out to me at ghazalze@yahoo.com 😄