Data Storage System challenge

Because using an existent database is too mainstream 😎


It is with great pride that we launch our first coding challenge.

In this challenge, there will be a coding problem that you’ll have to solve within 48 hours. Your submission will later be rated and scored.



The challenge has come to an end, and the result will be announced shortly after reviewing all submissions.

Challenge Description

In this challenge, we will be building a data storage system with its own query language. Something similar to a database engine, but from scratch ;)

We will call it Data Storage System, and it's a simple, yet very handy, system/module that can be used by application developers to store their data.

The challenge consists of two parts:

  • Storage Engine: How the data will be stored,
  • Query Interpreter: How to interpret the queries and evaluate them.


The solution can be written in any technology or language, as long as it respects the requirements.

Storage Engine

The storage engine should store data in a persistance storage (e.g: We don't lose the data if the PC reboots).

Also, make sure to design and implement an efficient storage logic, because its efficiency will affect your overall submission score.

Query Interpreter

The second subsystem, is the query interpreter, which is the program that will keep reading queries from the standard input, and execute them.

Your interpreter should be able to understand the query language described in the following sections, and it should be interactive, see Example usage

Description language

To describe a schema, the directive DECLARE should be used, where it's syntax is the following:


For example to declare an entity named: user that contains two fields, firstname and lastname, the query should be:

DECLARE users AS firstname, lastname

  • The first field of any entity is its primary key, making it unique
  • Every entity should contain at least one field (the primary key).
  • To make things easy, all fields are of type string

The interpreter should print OK if the query is executed successfully, otherwise it should print ERROR

Query language

Using our query language, we should be able to perform three actions: add, delete, find, and update.


The syntax of the ADD directive is the following:


For example to add an entry of type user, the query should look like:

ADD ("Ali", "Baba") TO users

The interpreter should print OK if the query is executed successfully, otherwise it should print ERROR


The syntax of the Delete directive is the following:


For example, to delete the user with the primary key Ali, the query should look like:

DELETE "Ali" FROM users

The interpreter should print OK if the query is executed successfully, otherwise it should print ERROR


The syntax of the Find directive is the following:


For example, to find the user with the primary key Ali, the query should look like:

FIND "Ali" IN users

And to find all the users the query should be:


The interpreter should print the results if there is any, otherwise it should print nothing

See Example usage to better understand the syntax


The syntax of the Update directive is the following:


For example, to update the lastname of an element of type users (declared above), the syntax should be the following:

UPDATE "Ali" IN users SET lastname="Dada"

The interpreter should print OK if the query is executed successfully, otherwise it should print ERROR


For now, only strings are supported. Both simple ('TEST') and double quotes ("TEST") are supported.

Example usage

> DECLARE users AS firstname, lastname
* OK
> ADD ("Ali", "Baba") TO users
* OK
> ADD ("Ali", "Baba", "Extra field") TO users
> FIND "Ali" IN users
* 'Ali', 'Baba'
> UPDATE "Ali" IN users SET lastname="Dada"
* OK
> FIND "Ali" IN users
* 'Ali', 'Dada'
> UPDATE "Ali" IN users SET wrong_field="iT"
> ADD ("Ni'kola", "Tesla") TO users
* OK
> FIND ALL IN users
* 'Ali', 'Baba'
* 'Ni\'kola', 'Tesla'
> DELETE "Ali" FROM users
* OK
> DELETE "Ali" FROM users
> FIND ALL IN users
* 'Ni\'kola', 'Tesla'
> DELETE "Ni'kola" FROM users
* OK
> FIND ALL IN users


There will be three prizes:

Only submissions with a score of 40 and higher will be eligible for prizes.

Score system

Each submission will be scored according to the following criteria:

  • A working solution: 20 points
  • Performance: 10 points
  • Code Quality: 10 points

Extra points

If you submit your solution within the first 24 hours, you get an extra 5 points.

You will get extra 5 points if you make a library for your solution, so it can be used through a programming language API.

You will also be granted extra 5 points if you manage to make a very simple ORM for your solution, to abstract the query language and use a Object Oriented approach.


The interpreter will be benchmarked using test samples to measure its performance.

The performance of your solution will highly depend on how well your storage engine is designed.

Code Quality:

Having a neat and structured code is a must. The code quality metric will be checked manually by our lead engineers. Your score on this metric depends on how structured your code is, are you following good conventions that your language advices to follow, ...etc.

PS: You don't have to put comments every where


The winner will be announced at Think-iT Facebook page, and the winning submission will be published in this repo.


If you want to test the database system you should use the as in python projects conventions. This project requires python3.6 and has no dependencies other than the standard python library.

This is my implementation of a document based database system . Every entry data is stored under storage/{table_name}/{entry_primary_key}

-The table class manages a table and its entries , the engine manages all table and it's used by both the API wrapper class and the interpreter.
-The API class is used by the ORM and could be used by external programs if needed. ( given they are written in Python )
-The interpreter is regex based and has no tokenizing since we have a limited number of statement and implementating a lexer etc would result in huge performance loss.

We will call it The BEST Data Storage System or BESTDSS for short.

Designed by Think.iT, with ♥.