
The demo project for Babylon Health

Primary LanguageSwift


The demo project for Babylon Health

High level requierements

  • When user opens the app a list of post titles should be shown, if available.
  • If user have no internet connection, the app should show the last cached posts.
  • If no internet connection and no cached posts, an empty page with the load button is displayed.
  • On interaction with the load button the posts load will be triggered.
  • On post selection a detail page will be shown containing the post title, body, author name and comments count.

Detailed requierements

  • When user opens the app fetch the posts from the endpoint

  • Loaded data is validated and post items are created

  • Created post items are delivered to the main page

  • When user opens the app fetch the posts from the endpoint

  • Loaded data is validated and post items are created

  • Created post items are cached to the local storage

  • When user opens the app fetch the posts from the endpoint

  • If load failed, fetch from the local storage

  • Loaded data is validated and delivered to the main page

  • When user opens the app fetch the posts from the endpoint

  • If load failed, fetch from the local storage

  • If load from local storage fails, or no cached items, empty page with the load button is shown

  • Apps always tries to get the lastest data from the endpoint, if the retrieval fails, only then app will return the cached data

High level tehnical analysys

There are 4 main functiional components to be developed:

  1. The remote with local cache fallback:
       - When asked for data fetches the data from the remote endpoint or from the local cache
         if remote fetch failed
       - Stores the feetched data to the local storage
  2. The UI component:
       - Shows the posts list and the detail for each post - layout, navigation
       - Defines the UI models for each screens.
  3. The repository:
       - Currently only one main repo, as the app is small.
       - Responsible for asking for the data the remote with local cache fallback component
       - Applies any business logic over the received data and transforms to the apropriate models
         to be consumed by the UI component.
  4. The assembler:
       - Responsible for assembling all the components
       - Currently only one assembler as the app is small.

Per Item tehnical details

1. Remote with local cache fallback
   Key points considered:
     - This should be a generic mechanism that can be applied to any domain model on need.
     - Loading from the remote source or the local source should not have any conceptual difference, in order 
       to keep things consistent. Thus loading from the cache should have similar look and feel,
       as loading from the remote source. This means that even though the models do have a logical connection 
       between them, like the post have a relation to the user model, those are not connected by any relation
       in the local storage => no relational db. The response from the server is just cached
       without assuming any relations. Any relation maping between models will be done at the Repository level,
       in a centralized place, so there is one place for the possible changes!
     - The component should asure a good decoupling between the possible modules.
  There are 3 core modules:
     - Domain -> defines the domain models and domain functionality.
     - API -> defines the interaction with the remote source
     - Cache -> defines the interaction with the cache source
  DTOs are heavily used in this component in order to minimize the coupling between different modules.

  A generic mechanism is put in place a reusable component to applied to any item, the core players are:
  public protocol ItemsLoader {
        associatedtype Item
        func load() -> Single<[Item]>
  Defines the loading functionality for any item type.
  final public class RemotePostsLoader<Item, RemoteItem: Decodable>: ItemsLoader {
      private let url: URL
      private let client: HTTPClient

      public typealias RemoteToPostsMapper = ([RemoteItem]) -> [Item]
      private let remoteToPostsMapper: RemoteToPostsMapper

      public init(url: URL,
                  client: HTTPClient,
                  mapper: @escaping RemoteToPostsMapper) {
          self.url = url
          self.client = client
          self.remoteToPostsMapper = mapper
  Loads any Item type from the remote source. The RemoteItem is the API module
  representation of the loaded item, a mapper is passed in order to solve the mapping.
   public class LocalItemsLoader<Item, LocalItem>: ItemsLoader, ItemsStorageManager {
      private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()

      public typealias LocalToItemMapper = ([LocalItem]) -> [Item]
      public typealias ItemToLocalMapper = ([Item]) -> [LocalItem]
      public typealias ItemType = Item

      private let store: AnyItemsStore<LocalItem>
      private let localToItemMapper: LocalToItemMapper
      private let itemToLocalMapper: ItemToLocalMapper

      public init(store: AnyItemsStore<LocalItem>,
                  localToItemMapper: @escaping LocalToItemMapper,
                  itemToLocalMapper: @escaping ItemToLocalMapper) {
            self.store = store
            self.localToItemMapper = localToItemMapper
           self.itemToLocalMapper = itemToLocalMapper

    Loads any Item type from the local source. The LocalItem is the Cache module
    representation of the loaded item, a mapper is passed in order to solve the mapping.
    Also a local item store is injected, defined below.
     public protocol ItemsStore {
          associatedtype ItemType
          func deleteItems() -> Completable
          func savePosts(_ items: [ItemType]) -> Completable
          func retrieve() -> Single<[ItemType]>
    Same as ItemLoader protocol, defines the storage functionality for any item type

    public class FileSystemItemsStore<SavedItem, EncodedItem: Codable>: ItemsStore {
      public typealias ItemType = SavedItem

      public typealias SavedToEncodedMapper = ([SavedItem]) -> [EncodedItem]
      public typealias EcondedToSavedMapper = ([EncodedItem]) -> [SavedItem]

      private let savedToEncodedMapper: SavedToEncodedMapper
      private let econdedToSavedMapper: EcondedToSavedMapper
      private let storeURL: URL

      public init(storeURL: URL,
                savedToEncodedMapper: @escaping SavedToEncodedMapper,
                econdedToSavedMapper: @escaping EcondedToSavedMapper) {
    Defines a generic file system storage for any item. The EncodedItem represents an 
    encoded represenation for the Saved Item, a mapper is passed in order to solve the mapping.
   By making use of the generics and mappers, two things were achieved:
      - The functionality can be applied to any item.
      - Ensures a robust separation between the modules, by enforcing the creation of the specific dtos - it
        is unwanted to have the core business items defined in domain module, to be deeply coupled with the
        remote or cache module, or even whorse with the infrastructure components.
   A high level components dependency diagram can visualized below: 


 2. UI:

    - The application uses MVVM-C design pattern to structure the UI layer.
      Each MVVM stack is a completely standalone component, without any knowledge
      of other stacks. An example - The post list does not know a thing of the post details,
      it does just display a list of titles, and triggers an event when a post is selected.
      It is the job of the coordinator to react to the event and take further action.
      Along with handling the UI navigation events, the coordinator handles the dependencies
      of the MVVM stack, and links it to the repository. Thus the MVVM stack does not know
      from where the data will come from, and repository does not know who will consumed the data,
      the coordinator decides.
   - So as result ViewModel does not handle the actual API calls or any other core business 
     logic, it’s meant to be as dumb as possible, it only cares about the
     handling of the data representation in the view; thus the data loading and
     other core business logic is embedded in the Repository, this allows
     developing the MVVM stack completely in separation from the API
     response or any other business logic. It is implemented with the idea that
     at the moment when the MVVM stack is about to be created the only
     available info is the UI screen itself, no other info. This allows developing developing the
     core business logic, and the MVVM stack in paralel, then those are linked toghether usin the
     repository and coordinator
   - Example - In the Post Detail, from the page standpoint there is a title, a description
     an author name and the number of comments displayed. Thus the VM will be implemented
     to request this info basically as strings, it will not make any mapping between
     the selected post, list of users and list comments to determine it's info, it cares
     only for showing the strings specified above.
3. Repository:
    This component is meant to interact with the loading mechanism, get the raw business data,
    apply any other business operation over the data, and compose the models that should be shown 
    to the UI. Basically this a source from which the ViewModels get their DataModel representation 
    to work with. An example is the list of posts, even though for each post the id, userId, title and body
    is returned, the repository will expose to PostListViewModel a list of models that do contain only a title,
    as the PostListViewModel only want to show a list of titles.
4. Assembler:
    Basically a factory that is meant to tie toghether different components and expose the necesary services
    to be used in the app. It will be injected in any component that does need to access the services, thus it
    is not a globally shared resource, it should be injected.