This is my private help wiki for mastering Android devices from commandline.


I also maintains https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Android/adb - Some more cool stuff can be found on that page that I didnt add here.


This is my private cheatsheet for ADB that I have decided to share since there is few good wikis for adb out there that has all in one place, so hopefully someone will enjoy this repo.

I wont include adb shell in any of my commands since I working on the device and not via shell I dont want to include adb shell. For all who prefering to work via a terminal like powershell or terminal just add "adb shell" infront of the commands.

First thing I want to mention since it seems very few people know that you can use below variables, so from now you you don t need to figoure out where your storage is:

     ls \$EXTERNAL_STORAGE                # View content
     ls \$SECONDARY_STORAGE               # View content
     echo \$EXTERNAL_STORAGE              # View path
     echo \$SECONDARY_STORAGE             # View path


Start ADB server:

adb start-server 

Stop ADB server:

adb stop-server

Kill ADB server:

adb kill-server

Setup ADB server via Wi-Fi

adb tcpip <port>

Connect to ADB server:

adb connect <device_ip>

Restarts the adbd daemon listening on USB

adb usb

Reboot - Default, system reboot

adb reboot

Reboot - Recovery Mode

reboot recovery

Reboot - Bootloader Mode

reboot bootloader

List Connected Devices:

adb devices

Get Status:

adb get-state  

Print Serial Number:

adb get-serialno 

Backup Device:

adb backup -all

Restore Device:

adb restore /path/to/backupflile.adb

Enter ADB shell:

adb shell

Enter ADB shell if there is multiple devices connected:

adb -s <id_from_adb_devices> shell 

To print device serial no:

adb get-serialno

Create a bugreport:

adb bugreport

Install an app:

adb install <apk_file>

Install an app and keep all it's data from a previous setup:

adb install -r <apk_file>

Uninstall an app:

adb uninstall <apk_file>

Set date:

date MMDDYYYY.XX;am broadcast -a android.intent.action.TIME_SET

Push a file (Transfer a file FROM pc > device)

push mypicture.png /storage/on/device

Push a folder (Transfer a folder FROM pc > device)

push myfolder /storage/on/device

Pull a file (Transfer a file FROM device > pc)

adb pull /storage/on/device/mypicture.png /path/on/pc

Pull a folder (Transfer a folder FROM device > pc)

adb pull /storage/on/device /path/on/pc

Pull all files inside a folder to a path (Transfer all files in a folder FROM device > pc)

adb pull /storage/on/device/ /path/on/pc # Notice the trial slash

ADB package manager

List all packages installed on device

pm list packages

List enabled packages

pm list packages -e

List disabled packages

pm list packages -d

List third party packages installed by user

pm list packages -3

List users

pm list users

List permission groups

pm list permission-groups

List features

pm list features

Uninstall any installed package:

pm uninstall --user 0 com.package.name

Uninstall multiple apps:

for packages in com.package1 com.package2; do 
    adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 "${packages}"

Clear application data:


List permission groups:

pm list permission-groups 

List instrumentation:

pm list instrumentation

Grant permission to an app (Example Only For Grant):

pm grant com.application android.permission.READ_LOGS

Revoke permission to an app (Example Only For Revoke):

pm revoke com.application android.permission.READ_LOGS

Reset all permissions for an app:

pm reset-permissions -p your.app.package


Default options:

  • V — Verbose (lowest priority)
  • D — Debug
  • I — Info (default priority)
  • W — Warning
  • E — Error
  • F — Fatal
  • S — Silent (highest priority, on which nothing is ever printed)

Use -v time for print timestamps, and threadtime for dates:

adb logcat -v time ...
adb logcat -v threadtime ....

For get output colorized with logcat:

adb logcat ... -v color

Displays current log buffer sizes:

adb logcat -g 	

Sets the buffer size (K or M):

adb logcat -G 16M 	

Clear the log buffer:

adb logcat -c

Enables ALL log messages (verbose mode)

adb logcat *:V 	

Dump everything to a file:

adb logcat -f <filename> 	Dumps to specified file

Display PID with the log info

adb logcat -v process

Display the raw log message, with no other metadata fields

adb logcat -v raw

Display the date, invocation time, priority/tag, and PID of the process issuing the message

adb logcat -v time

Display the priority, tag, and the PID and TID of the thread issuing the message

adb logcat -v thread

Display the date, invocation time, priority, tag, and the PID and TID of the thread issuing the message

adb logcat -v threadtime

Display all metadata fields and separate messages with blank lines

adb logcat -v long

Log multiple options (-b ... -b ....):

adb logcat -b main -b radio -b events


List all active services:

dumpsys -l |sed 's/^  /      /g'
Currently running services:


Show bluetooth macaddr, bluetooth name and such things:

dumpsys bluetooth_manager

List all settngs and if they are true or false:

Settings are sorted for root and user:


dumpsys settings
_id:225 name:lock_screen_show_notifications pkg:com.android.settings value:1 default:1 defaultSystemSet:true
_id:6 name:volume_bluetooth_sco pkg:android value:7 default:7 defaultSystemSet:true
_id:192 name:ringtone_set pkg:com.google.android.gsf value:1
_id:159 name:lock_screen_allow_rotation pkg:android value:0 default:0 defaultSystemSet:true
_id:2997 name:Flashlight_brightness_level pkg:com.android.systemui value:1001 default:1001 defaultSystemSet:true
_id:67 name:SEM_VIBRATION_NOTIFICATION_INTENSITY pkg:android value:5 default:5 defaultSystemSet:true
_id:175 name:call_popup pkg:android value:0 default:0 defaultSystemSet:true
_id:59 name:install_non_market_apps pkg:android value:1 default:1 defaultSystemSet:true

Display Contacts On Sim Card:

dumpsys simphonebook

Show hardware info as thermal stuff for cpu, gpu and battery

 dumpsys hardware_properties
****** Dump of HardwarePropertiesManagerService ******
CPU temperatures: [38.0, 38.0]
CPU throttling temperatures: [55.0, 76.0]
CPU shutdown temperatures: [115.0, 115.0]

Show all application you have an account on:

dumpsys account|grep -i com.*$ -o|cut -d' ' -f1|cut -d} -f1|grep -v com$

Show all notifications listener and so on:

dumpsys notification

List email addresses registerd on different stuff on device:

dumpsys | grep -E -o "\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}\b"

Print version of a specifik package

dumpsys package com.lge.signboard | grep versionName

Check state for screen and figoure how device was unlcked last time:

dumpsys  user
Last logged in fingerprint
agree Knox Privacy Policy: false

And for example, you can dump data for all of the running services:

Dump all data for battery:

adb shell dumpsys battery

Dump stats for your battery:

adb shell dumpsys batterystats 

Erase old stats for battery:

dumpsys batterystats --reset 

Sort Applications By Ram Usage:

 dumpsys meminfo

Applications Memory Usage (in Kilobytes):
Uptime: 29602806 Realtime: 57806941

Total PSS by process:
265,435K: com.android.systemui (pid 4190)
264,671K: system (pid 3838)
171,192K: surfaceflinger (pid 3360)
152,523K: android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1-service (pid 3338)
128,781K: com.sec.android.app.launcher (pid 5597 / activities)
 92,656K: se.kronansapotek.kronan (pid 26729 / activities)
 84,563K: logd (pid 3203)
 80,944K: com.google.android.talk (pid 32314 / activities)
 79,754K: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search 


Dump info about your sim provider and kernel bootloader ID etc.

dumpstate -v

== dumpstate: 2019-08-30 19:31:05

Build: PPR1.180610.011.G950FXXS5DSF1
Build fingerprint: 'samsung/dreamltexx/dreamlte:9/PPR1.180610.011/G950FXXS5DSF1:user/release-keys'
Bootloader: G950FXXS5DSF1
Radio: G950FXXS5DSF1
Network: Comviq
Linux version 4.4.111-16019454 (dpi@21DHA724) (gcc version 4.9.x 20150123 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jun 3     20:16:50 KST 2019
Kernel: Command line: (unknown)
up 0 weeks, 0 days, 16 hours, 21 minutes
Uptime: Bugreport format version: 2.0
Dumpstate info: id=0 pid=26940 dry_run=0 args=dumpstate -v extra_options=


Factory Reset:

am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR

Open Special Menu

am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW \

Open settings:

 am start -n com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings

Open activity to new APN

 am start -a android.intent.action.INSERT  content://telephony/carriers  --ei simId 

Open hiden menu (require root)

su -c "am broadcast -a android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE -d android_secret_code://IOTHIDDENMENU"

Start prefered webbrowser:

am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d <url> (com.android.browser | com.android.chrome | com.sec.android.sbrowser) 

Print Activities:

am start -a com.android.settings/.wifi.CaptivePortalWebViewActivity

Open Camera ( take photo with key event 66)

am start -a android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE

Open Video Camera

am start -a android.media.action.VIDEO_CAMERA

Open a picture and then set wallpaper by:

am start -a android.intent.action.SET_WALLPAPER

Open a url with your default browser

am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d https://github.com/wuseman

Open google maps with coordinates

am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "geo:46.457398,-119.407305"

Enabling Night Mode (If Supported)

am start --ez show_night_mode true com.android.systemui/.tuner.TunerActivity

Send SMS:

am broadcast -a com.whereismywifeserver.intent.TEST --es sms_body "test from adb"

Simulate waking your app using the following commands:

am set-inactive <packageName> 
am set-inactive <packageName> false

Start facebook application inbox by using URI

am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d facebook://facebook.com/inbox

Open a vcard file from sdcard (will open contacts app :) )

am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file:///sdcard/me.vcard -t text/x-vcard  

Open an application to get content (in this case to get a jpeg picture)

am start -a android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT -t image/jpeg

There is several ways to send a SMS via AM, here is one example:

aam broadcast -a com.whereismywifeserver.intent.TEST --es sms_body "test from adb"

Trick device that setup already has been done:

 content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:s:1


There is to much to describe here, get info by type getprop, but you can for example grep various stuff by:

getprop | grep "model\|version.sdk\|manufacturer\|hardware\|platform\|revision\|serialno\|product.name\|brand"


Try vibrator

echo 200 > /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/enable

Open settings for a specifik app

am start -a android.settings.APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS package:<com.package.example>

Adopting USB-Drive

sm set-force-adoptable true

Auto rotation on

content insert –uri content://settings/system –bind name:s:accelerometer_rotation –bind value:i:1

Auto rotation off:

content insert –uri content://settings/system –bind name:s:accelerometer_rotation –bind value:i:0

Rotate to landscape

 content insert —uri content://settings/system –bind name:s:user_rotation –bind value:i:1

Rotate portrait

 content insert –uri content://settings/system –bind name:s:user_rotation –bind value:i:0

Genereate hash from keystore -Typically used in Facebook

keytool -exportcert -alias your_alias -keystore debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64 

Typically used in Google Maps

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias your_alia           

Print Screen Size

wm size

Set Screen Size

wm size WxH 

Set Overscan:

wm overscan 0,0,0,200

Tips & Tricks

See current used app:

dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mCurrentFocus|mFocusedApp'|grep '/'|awk -F'u0' '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}'

Print how many notifications you have:

dumpsys notification | grep NotificationRecord | wc -l 

Simulate a swipe down for notifications:

input swipe 0 0 0 300 

Swipe and unlock screen:

input swipe 300 1000 300 500 

Test any app by pressing 10000 times at once, this will start your application and perform 10000 random events.#

monkey -p com.example.myapp -v 10000 

Print all application in use in a for loop

pm list packages | sed -e "s/package://" | while read x; do cmd package resolve-activity --brief $x | tail -n 1 | grep -v "No activity found";done 

Open Projectmenu (Huawei only)

am start com.huawei.android.projectmenu/com.huawei.android.projectmenu.ProjectMenuActivity

Auto answer any call after 2 seconds:

setprop persist.sys.tel.autoanswer.ms 2000

Turn off auto answer:

setprop persist.sys.tel.autoanswer.ms 0

Unplug AC:

dumpsys battery unplug

Print uptime for your device by days + time

TZ=UTC date -d@$(cut -d\  -f1 /proc/uptime) +'%j %T' | awk '{print $1-1"d",$2}'

Add a contact

Example 1:

am start -a android.intent.action.INSERT -t vnd.android.cursor.dir/contact -e name "$(dialog --stdout --inputbox 'wuseman' 0 0)" -e postal "$(dialog --stdout --inputbox 'Postal Address' 0 0)" -e phone "$(dialog --stdout --inputbox 'Phone Number' 0 0)" -e email "$(dialog --stdout --inputbox 'Email' 0 0)"

Example 2:

am start -a android.intent.action.INSERT -t vnd.android.cursor.dir/contact -e name 'wuseman' -e phone <phone_number>


Is OEM unlocking enable or not

  getprop sys.oem_unlock_allowed 

Is sys boot completed:

  getprop sys.boot_completed


Print device info

thinkpad /home/wuseman # fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version:0.5
(bootloader) variant:MTP eMMC
(bootloader) secure:yes
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) display-panel:
(bootloader) off-mode-charge:0
(bootloader) charger-screen-enabled:0
(bootloader) max-download-size: 0x20000000
(bootloader) partition-type:cache:ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:cache:       0x20000000
(bootloader) partition-type:userdata:ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:userdata:    0x5ba000000
(bootloader) partition-type:system:ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:system:      0x15d800000
(bootloader) dm_count:0
(bootloader) lock_count:1
(bootloader) unlock_count:2
(bootloader) serialno:LGH87011067135
(bootloader) kernel:lk
(bootloader) product:MSM8996
(bootloader) unlocked:yes

Fastboot commands

fastboot erase config
fastboot reboot
fastboot oem get-psid                               #_Print_Serial_and_IMEI
fastboot getvar rescue_version                      #_Print_rescue_mode
fastboot getvar rescue_phoneinfo                    #_Print_phone_model
fsatboot getvar_vendorcountry                       #_Print_vendorcountry
fastboot getvar rescue_ugs_port                     #_Print_rescue_ugs_port
fastboot getvar rescue_enter_recovery               #_Enter_recovery
fastboot getvar max-download-size                   #_Print_max_download_size
fastboot getvar error_print                         #_Print_amount_of_errors
fastboot getvar partition-type                      #_Print_partition_type
fastboot oem get_key_version                        #_Print_version_key
fastboot oem battery_present_check                  #_Print_battery_millivolt
fastboot continue                                   #_Fastboot_continue
fastboot oem get_hwnff_ver                          #_Get_hwnff_version
fastboot oem reboot_boot_dump                       # UNKNOWN
fastboot getvar rescue_version                      # Print rescue version
fastboot getvar rescue_phoneinfo                    # Print rescue model
fastboot getvar devicemodel                         # Print device model
fastboot getvar rescue_ugs_port                     # Print rescue port
fastboot getvar error_print                         # Error Print
fastboot getvar rescue_enter_recovery               # Enter recover
fastboot getvar rescue_get_hwid                     # (bootloader) xxxxxxxxxxxx / xxxxxxxxxxxx (bootloader) 
fastboot getvar inject_bootfail_memory_address      # NO DESCRIPTION - FOUND WHEN I CRACKED THE BOOTLOADER
fastboot getvar rescue_get_updatetoken              # NO DESCRIPTION - FOUND WHEN I CRACKED THE BOOTLOADER
fastboot getvar max-download-size                   # NO DESCRIPTION - FOUND WHEN I CRACKED THE BOOTLOADER
fastboot oem check-rootinfo                         # NO DESCRIPTION - FOUND WHEN I CRACKED THE BOOTLOADER
fastboot oem get-bootinfo                           # NO DESCRIPTION - FOUND WHEN I CRACKED THE BOOTLOADER
fastboot oem get-product-model                      # NO DESCRIPTION - FOUND WHEN I CRACKED THE BOOTLOADER
fastboot oem get-build-number                       # NO DESCRIPTION - FOUND WHEN I CRACKED THE BOOTLOADER
fastboot oem unlock
fastboot oem check-image                            
fastboot oem relock
fastboot oem frp-unlock
fastboot oem get_key_version
fastboot oem battery_present_check
fastboot oem unlock_func
fastboot oem get_hwnff_ver
fastboot getvar error_print
fastboot oem oeminforead
fastboot oem get_bootFail_ver_func
fastboot oem func
fastboot oem get_bootFail_info_func
fastboot oem relock_func
fastboot oem reboot_boot_dump_func
fastboot oem hwdog certify begin
fastboot oem get-product-model
fastboot oem get-build-number
fastboot oem get_hwnff_ver_func
fastboot flashing unlock

Print USB Mode (Charging only, MTP ... )

cat /sys/devices/soc0/hw_platform

Good Pages:
