
Envoy xds server with csv file as mangement

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Start Control Plane

do just this:

$ go run src/main.go 

INFO[0000] Starting control plane                       
INFO[0000] management server listening                   port=18000

Run sample_servers

Here I am using dummy json-server a nodejs module. To install json-server, you can follow the steps here [https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-server#getting-started].

IP=`ip -f inet addr show wlp0s20f3 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+'`
json-server --watch sample_servers/profiles.json --host ${IP} --port 10002

This command will start a server on port 10002, and the requests to this server will be proxied through envoy

Run Envoy

To run envoy, just download a local envoy

docker cp `docker create envoyproxy/envoy:v1.16-latest`:/usr/local/bin/envoy .

Then invoke

./envoy -c dynamic-configuration.yaml -l debug

Access proxy

curl  -H "Host: router.mahendrabagul.io" \
   --resolve  router.mahendrabagul.io:10000: \
   --cacert certs/envoy-intermediate-and-envoy-root-ca-chain.crt https://router.mahendrabagul.io:10000/profiles

Check dynamic configuration is being applied to envoy or not.

  1. You will need to start a server(you can use the json-server command on the posts.json in sample_servers folder). Once you fire below command,
json-server --watch sample_servers/posts.json --host ${IP} --port 10003

update the ip and port in domains.csv present in root of the project like below.


When you will do this, the next iteration will pick up this change and push it to envoy. You will be able to access /posts api from envoy's ip and port.

curl  -H "Host: router.mahendrabagul.io" \
   --resolve  router.mahendrabagul.io:10000: \
   --cacert certs/envoy-intermediate-and-envoy-root-ca-chain.crt https://router.mahendrabagul.io:10000/posts