
Finds the list of actors with the most boxoffice profit using TMDB API.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Most Profitable Actors

Finds the list of actors with the most boxoffice profit using TMDB API.

First, I crawl the Box Office Mojo website to gather a list of the best selling movies. Then, for each movie, I use TMDB's API to get the movie_id by movie's name and release year, and finally I get the list of actors of that movie. The profit for each actor gets accumulated and displayed.


df = print_actors_map_pd(actors_map, actors_movies_map, limit=50, movies_limit=1)

Limited the movie count to 1

df = print_actors_map_pd(actors_map, actors_movies_map, limit=50, movies_limit=5)

Limited the movie count to 5


  • Crawl boxofficemojo and get a list of best selling movies
  • Use Multiprocessing to make the crawling faster
  • [] Export the final data as json
  • [] Display as webapp

How to use

First, install these modules:

  • requests
  • beautifulsoup4
  • python-dotenv
  • pandas

If you want, you can use the provided data and go straight to the notebook called most_profitable_actors_multiprocessing.ipynb. But if you want to update the data, run these files in order:

  1. boxoffice_scraper.py that uses requests and bs4 to extract the best selling movies.
  2. gather_data_multiprocessing.py that uses TMDB's API to get the list of actors for each movie extracted by the last step.
  3. most_profitable_actors_multiprocessing.ipynb open the notebook and read the comments. Make sure to set is_data_available to False if you want to recalculate everything.


By Gholamreza Dar - Fall 2022