
discord.js docs parser.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Discord.js Docs

A parser and wrapper for the discord.js docs.


npm i ghom-djs-docs


// ESModule / TypeScript
import * as docs from "ghom-djs-docs"

// Or CommonJS
const docs = require("ghom-djs-docs")

docs.fetchRaw(sourceName[, options])

Fetches and parses the docs for the given project.
sourceName can be any of the predefined values (stable, master, commando, rpc, akairo, and collection) or an URL which will return the raw generated docs (e.g https://raw.githubusercontent.com/discordjs/docs/main/discord.js/main.json).\ Once a documentation is fetched it will be cached. Use options.force to avoid this behavior.


name type required
sourceName SourceName yes
options object no

Returns: Promise<Raw | null>

const master = await docs.fetchRaw("master")
const akairo = await docs.fetchRaw("akairo", { force: true })

docs.search(raw, path)

Gets documentation for one element. Multiple properties/methods can be chained by . in the "path" param.


name type required
raw Raw | SourceName yes
path string yes

Returns: Promise<SearchResult>

// from raw
const someCLass = await docs.search(stable, "message")
const someMethod = await docs.search(stable, "message.guild.iconURL")

// from sourceName
const someProp = await docs.search("stable", "message.guild.name")
const someParam = await docs.search(


Fetch all the documentations and stock it in the docs.cache Map object. (returns this one)


name type required
options object no

Returns: Promise<Map<SourceName, Raw>>

const cache = await docs.fetchAll()
cache.forEach((raw, sourceName) => {
  console.log(sourceName, raw.meta)


Get the flat version of a 3D array type description


name type required
type TypeDescription no

Returns: string | null

const stable = await docs.fetchRaw("stable")
const someProp = await docs.search(stable, "client.ws")

if (docs.isProp(stable, someProp))

docs.buildURL(sourceName, result)

Get the doc source URL in the Github repository


name type required
sourceName SourceName yes
result SearchResult yes

Returns: string | null

const someProp = await docs.search("stable", "guild.owner.user.id")

console.log(docs.buildURL("stable", someProp))

docs.isXXXX(raw, result)

Type assertion method


name type required
raw Raw yes
result SearchResult yes

Returns: result is XXXX (boolean)