
COD Stars is an application that allows Call of Duty: Warzone players to track their player stats using their battletag.

This application takes the input of a user's battletag and uses it to pull information from Call of Duty: Warzone. Once a user has signed up and logged in, or logged in with an existing account, The application can track up to four players. After every match a player can go in and view their current stats including: Kills, Downs, Deaths, and Revives. Each of those adds or detracts a point from a player score. The entire data starts over every 12 hours.

Sign up screen Log in Screen Battletag input screen Single Player Stats Multiple Player Stats

To install COD Stars, follow these steps:

After forking and cloning the repository:

Linux and macOS:

Run an npm install in the command line to get the node modules necessary to use the app.


Run an npm install in the command line to get the node modules necessary to use the app.

Using COD Stars

To use COD Stars, follow these steps:

from the main page either sign up if you do not have log in info, and then proceed to log in, if you already have log in info, log in. On the input page input 1-4 Call of Duty:Warzone battletags, press submit. View stats of players that have be input.

Contributing to COD Stars

To contribute to COD Stars, follow these steps:

Fork this repository. Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>' Push to the original branch: git push origin Create the pull request. Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.


Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project:

@Ghondie @Thoyt810 @magire01 @MiradeTM


If you want to contact me you can reach me at


This project uses the following license: <license_name>.