
All the current commands of LobbyBotMaker

A Fortnite Lobby Bot Network

Getting Started

Just send -createbot to start a bot!


❗ - You need a bot running to use this commands

Cosmetic Commands

skin <name/id> - Set your bot's outfit.

backpack <name/id/none> - Set your bot's backpack.

pickaxe <name/id> - Set your bot's pickaxe.

emote <name/id> - Set your bot's emote.

level <number> - Set your bot's level.

Party Commands

promote <username> - Promote someone in the bot's party.

hide - Hide all party members.

show - Unhide all party members.

sitout - Make your bot look like it is in the sitting out state.

sitin - Remove your bot from the sitting out state.

ready - Make your bot ready up.

unready - Make your bot unready.

leave - Leave the party.

platform_xbox - Change the bot platform to xbox.

platform_playstation - Change the bot platform to ps4.

platform_mobile - Change the bot platform to mobile.

platform_pc - Change the bot platform to pc.

say - Send e message to the party chat.

style - Change the bot current cosmetic style.

join - Join in a party by user id.

privacy - Changes the party privacy, private/friends/public.


add <username> - Send a friend request to someone.

Client Commands

restart - Restart your bot.

none - skin/emote/backpack Stop your bot.

General Commands

-createbot - Start a bot.

-stop - Stop your bot.