Picture this, You're in a CTF, you are granted access to a terminal on a linux/unix system
but no file system access or no direct internet access to that box, this system is airgapped. You wish to deploy
some binaries or tools you wrote but without internet access to the box how can you get them on the box?
The TermDrop suite may be your solution.
pip install -r requirements.txt
After running pip install -r requirements.txt
if on windows run Compile.bat
in cmd
else if you are on MacOS/Linux or any unix based system run chmod +x Compile.sh
and ./Compile.sh
Binaries for TermDrop_Encoder provided in the release section
as for TermDrop_Decoder.sh there are no dependencies except for basic linux/unix system utlities such as base64 and tar ensure that the target system has these two binaries and are accessible by you.
Usage TermDrop_Encoder [options]
-h, --help Displays this help menu
-c, --compress [Filename or foldername] Compresses a folder or a file and
encode it in base64.
-d, --decompress [Filename] Decode the base64 encoded file/folder
and decompress it.
./TermDrop_Decoder.sh [.b64 filename]
- Use TermDrop_Encoder to compress the desired file or folder
./TermDrop_Encoder -c [Filename or foldername]
(This should be done on your machine/ the Attacker machine) - Open nano or vim on the target system
- Copy and paste the contents of TermDrop_Decoder.sh and save it to target disk
- Copy and paste the base64 contents of the file Compressed_tool.b64 (This file contains the compressed and base64 file or directory you compressed) to the target system
- Decode and decompress the file using the command
./TermDrop_Decoder.sh Compressed_tool.b64
- There shoulds be a new folder named Compressed_tool in the current working directory containing the contents of the file you compressed
- Done your binaries have been delivered on to the target CTF system without the internet !
This project is released as is and will not be maintained simply because I do not have the time, sorry!
I know it's a sad reality and that deep down inside I know you're probably correct.
Feel free to fork it to "Make it better".