
The AKC Assignment

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The AKC (The android keyboard cipher) Project Assignment


You are a junior ASIO Agent working for the Australian Security Intelligence Organization

On the July the 5th 2020 an senior agent has managed to intercept a new encryption scheme of a suspected criminal syndicate as shown in the image below.

Encryption scheme

However further messages & communications were encrypted based upon the cipher above thus we cannot decipher the messages.

Your mission

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a "decryption" program based upon the image above to decipher the messages.

Your program should take an input of the encrypted message and automatically display the decrypted the message.

Additionally, (if possible, a bonus feature and a nice to have) your program should be able to take an plain text input and transform it in encrypted form and display it out to the terminal.

Intercepted messages

&\_ 5&3 0\-*\)3 &\_ !33? 43-38'3(


&\'3 5&3 0\-*\)3 ;9'3( 59 \ _3-743 "9-\589?


Good luck out there, agent!