The following technologies have been implemented to meet the requested requirements: ViteJS, ReactJS, TailwindCSS, SASS, Json Server, Redux. All of these played a significant role in the development of this test, allowing us to fulfill the requirements and showcase my skills as a FrontEnd developer.


  • ViteJs: It has been used to encapsulate our React project. Vite is a tool created by Evan You, the creator of VueJs, which allows us to create projects without tying them to a specific framework.

  • ReactJS: It was used to build the website interactively and responsively.

  • TailwindCSS: It allowed me to style the project, providing a wide range of classes that I could use.

  • JSON Server: It allowed me to implement the fake API, providing me with the ease of simulating responses on the frontend.

  • Redux Toolkit: It allowed me to make requests to my fake API, thus allowing me to use its responses anywhere in the project.

  • Hot - Toas - Notifications: It allowed me to create notifications for the fake API in the project.

  • ChartJs and React ChartJs: It allowed me to implement the charts in the project, making it possible to visually display the data.

  • Formik and Yup: It allowed me to implement forms in the project, thus validating the data visually.

Project Installation

  • NodeJS v10+ is required.
  • Git is required.
  • Clone the repository using the git clone command.

Guide to initialize the project

cd ol-software
npm install to install all the necessary dependencies
npm run dev to start the project in ViteJS 😎
npm run server to start our fake API with JSON Server 💪

Documentation of implemented technologies

Changes in project requirements

  • Changes have been made to the proposed design:
    • Developers must be displayed in the projects table in list form. To achieve this, I have implemented a table that can be used as an accordion, making the most important information visible to the operator without limiting their view of the developers in the project.

Previsualización de algunas pages del proyecto

Diseño final de github profile Diseño final de github profile


GhostemaneUrs | 1975