This is offline support scripts for Kubespray offline environment.
This supports:
- Download offline files.
- Download Yum/Deb repository files for OS packages.
- Download all container images used by Kubespray.
- Download PyPI mirror files for Kubespray.
- Support scripts for target node.
- Install containerd from local file.
- Start up nginx container as web server to supply Yum/Deb repository and PyPI mirror.
- Start up docker private registry.
- Load all container images and push them to the private registry.
- RHEL 7 / CentOS 7
- RHEL 8 / AlmaLinux 8
- Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04
Note: You must execute this process on same OS of k8s target nodes.
Before download offline files, check and edit configurations in
If you don't have container runtime (docker or containerd), install it first.
- To use Docker CE
- run
to install Docker CE.
- run
- To use containerd
- run
to install containerd and nerdctl. - Set
environment variable to/usr/local/bin/nerdctl
- run
Then, download all files:
$ ./
All artifacts are stored in ./outputs
This script calls all of following scripts.
- Setup python, etc.
- Setup python venv, install required python packages.
- Download and extract kubespray, if KUBESPRAY_DIR does not exist.
- Download PyPI mirror files
- Download kubespray offline files (containers, files, etc)
- Download additional containers.
- You can add any container image repoTag to imagelists/*.txt.
- Download RPM or DEB repositories.
- Copy scripts for target node.
Copy all contents in outputs
directory to target node (which runs ansible).
Then run following scripts in outputs
- Install containerd from local files.
- Load nginx and registry images to containerd.
- Start nginx container.
- Setup yum/deb repo config and PyPI mirror config to use local nginx server.
- Install python3 and venv from local repo.
- Start docker private registry container.
- Load all container images to containerd.
- Tag and push them to the private registry.
- Extract kubespray tarball and apply all patches.
You can configure port number of nginx and private registry in
Create and activate venv:
# Example
$ python3 -m venv ~/.venv/default
$ source ~/.venv/default/bin/activate
Note: For RHEL/CentOS 7, you need to use python 3.8.
# Example
$ /opt/rh/rh-python38/root/usr/bin/python -m venv ~/.venv/default
$ source ~/.venv/default/bin/activate
Extract kubespray and apply patches:
$ ./
$ cd kubespray-{version}
For Ubuntu 22.04, you need to install build tools to build some python packages.
$ sudo apt install gcc python3-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev
Install ansible:
$ pip install -U pip # update pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt # Install ansible
Create and place offline.yml file to your group_vars/all/offline.yml of your inventory directory.
You need to change YOUR_HOST
with your registry/nginx host IP.
http_server: "http://YOUR_HOST/"
registry_host: "YOUR_HOST:35000"
containerd_insecure_registries: # Kubespray #8340
"YOUR_HOST:35000": "http://YOUR_HOST:35000"
files_repo: "{{ http_server }}/files"
yum_repo: "{{ http_server }}/rpms"
ubuntu_repo: "{{ http_server }}/debs"
# Registry overrides
kube_image_repo: "{{ registry_host }}"
gcr_image_repo: "{{ registry_host }}"
docker_image_repo: "{{ registry_host }}"
quay_image_repo: "{{ registry_host }}"
# Download URLs: See roles/download/defaults/main.yml of kubespray.
kubeadm_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/{{ kube_version }}/kubeadm"
kubectl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/{{ kube_version }}/kubectl"
kubelet_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/{{ kube_version }}/kubelet"
# etcd is optional if you **DON'T** use etcd_deployment=host
etcd_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/etcd/etcd-{{ etcd_version }}-linux-amd64.tar.gz"
cni_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/cni/cni-plugins-linux-{{ image_arch }}-{{ cni_version }}.tgz"
crictl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/cri-tools/crictl-{{ crictl_version }}-{{ ansible_system | lower }}-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
# If using Calico
calicoctl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/calico/{{ calico_ctl_version }}/calicoctl-linux-{{ image_arch }}"
# If using Calico with kdd
calico_crds_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/calico/{{ calico_version }}.tar.gz"
runc_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/runc/{{ runc_version }}/runc.{{ image_arch }}"
nerdctl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/nerdctl-{{ nerdctl_version }}-{{ ansible_system | lower }}-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
containerd_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/containerd-{{ containerd_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
Note: runc_donwload_url
differ from kubespray official document, and must include runc_version
Deploy offline repo configurations which use your yum_repo/ubuntu_repo to all target nodes using ansible.
First, copy offline setup playbook to kubespray directory.
$ cp -r ${outputs_dir}/playbook ${kubespray_dir}
Then execute offline-repo.yml
$ cd ${kubespray_dir}
$ ansible-playbook -i ${your_inventory_file} offline-repo.yml
Run kubespray ansible playbook.
# Example
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml --become --become-user=root cluster.yml