Tip Calculator App

Created By :- Prakhar Singhal

Running Guide

  1. Install dependencies using npm install
  2. Use npm run dev to start a development server at localhost:3000

Test Cases

  • Test for negative values in inputs
  • Test to check if tip per person is calculated correctly
  • Test to check if total bill per person is calculated correctly Test for edge cases i.e number of persons is 0
  • Test if keyboard navigation (like tab to switch inputs, ctrl + a etc.) are working in the calculator
  • Tests to check if the increment and decrement buttons are working as intended and following the range allowed by fields
  • Tests to check if the performance of app is within allowed range
  • Testing the app in various browsers and different hardware and OS to check for compatibility
  • Testing the app on different screen sizes
  • Test for how the app acts when some inputs values are not filled
  • Test if the app works if the internet is slow or the user is offline
  • Test to check if the app is able to handle very large inputs efficiently
  • Test to check that inputs do not accept alphabets
  • Test to check that inputs do not accept special characters except "."
  • Test to check the number of persons is always natural number only
  • Testing if clicking on labels is focusing on correct input
  • Test to check that there are no unecessary console logs or errors being generated
  • Test to check if the app is working with decimal inputs
  • Test to check if correct keyboards show on mobile devices corresponding to each input
  • Verify the output is rounded to 2 decimal places