
This repo consist of a flask REST API which receives a POST request and let people use Zero Shot Classifier without any configuration.

Primary LanguagePython

Flask API Zero Shot Classification

This repo contains a flask API which lets people use Zero Shot Classifier from famous transformer library without any configuration.


Clone the Repo using Git.

git clone https://github.com/Ghulam213/Flask-API-Zero-shot-Classification.git


After you have cloned the repo, install requirements by running following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now Run the flask app by following command.

python server.py

Now you are ready to send POST request. You can use Postman for this purpose. The request is send to [YOUR_LOCALHOST]/zero-shot-classification/classify

Sample data

     "sentence": "This computer is slow!",
     "categories": ["IT issue", "Price request", "Datetime query"]

Sample Response

     "Datetime query": 0.009726298041641712,
     "IT issue": 0.9686093330383301,
     "Price request": 0.02166430838406086