
This is a guided next.js document editing app which was created as part of learning next.js from Scott Moss from frontendmasters. The link to the course is given below:

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Production Grade Next.js course

by scott moss and frontendmasters


Known - NextJs

Known is an online tool for creating and editing documents and blogs.

Live Demo

The app is live here.


Clone this repo with git and make sure you have node.js installed.

  • Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the development server.
cd Known-Nextjs
npm i
npm run dev
  • Rename env.local file to .env.local and fill in all the enviornment variables.
  • You can get github id and github secret by creating a new github Oauth app.
  • For database url use your database url
  • JWT secret can be any random string
  • For Next public api use http://localhost:[YOUR_PORT_NO]

Your app will now be running on localhost. Enjoy!