RGU Computing Researcher Contributions

Artificial Intelligence & Reasoning

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Publication Reproducible Codes

Publication Title Publication URL Source Code Maintained By
Clood CBR: towards microservices oriented case-based reasoning Paper, Video Code Dr. Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji and Chamath Palihawadana
Human activity recognition with deep metric learners Paper Code Dr. Anjana Wijekoon
WEC: Weighted Ensemble of Text Classifiers Paper Code Ashish Upadhyay
Case-Based Approach to Automated Natural Language Generation for Obituaries Paper Code Ashish Upadhyay
Heterogeneous Multi-modal Hybrid Attention Fusion for Exercise Recognition Paper Code Dr. Anjana Wijekoon
Personalised Meta-Learning for Human Activity Recognition with Few-Data Paper Code Dr. Anjana Wijekoon
Learning to Recognise Exercises in the Self-Management of Low Back Pain Paper Code Dr. Anjana Wijekoon
Ontology Alignment Based on Word Embedding and Random Forest Classification Paper Code Dr. Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji
A knowledge-light approach to personalised and open-ended human activity recognition Paper Code Dr. Anjana Wijekoon
A Case-Based Approach to Data-to-Text Generation Paper Code Ashish Upadhyay

Open Applications

Name Application URL Source Code Maintained By
Unimate: is a digital intervention (app) aimed at enhancing students educational experience and wellbeing www.unimate.app Code Chamath Palihawadana
FitChat: Conversational Artificial Intelligence Interventions for Encouraging Physical Activity in Older Adults Website
Code Dr. Anjana Wijekoon

Frameworks and Libraries

Name Type Source Code Maintained By
Clood CBR Framework for Case Based Reasoning using cloud microservices Code
Demo Video
Dr. Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji and Chamath Palihawadana
Traxivity: is a module which features step counting and its analytics in order to help users maintain physical activity React Native Library (mobile) Code Chamath Palihawadana


Name Dataset URL Source Code Maintained By
MEx: Heterogeneous Multi-modal Physiotherapy Exercises Dataset Dataset Code Dr. Anjana Wijekoon
selfBACK Data Set Dataset Paper Prof. Nirmalie Wiratunga and Dr. Anjana Wijekoon

Other Tools and Utilities

Name Source Code Maintained By
Various NLP tasks using Huggingface and Flask Code Ashish Upadhyay
Helper methods to support TensorFlow Federated functionalities Code Chamath Palihawadana
Boolean Search Engine using Python and Flask Code Ashish Upadhyay
Introduction to Word Embeddings Code Ashish Upadhyay

Machine Vision

Publication Reproducible Codes

Publication Title Publication URL Source Code Maintained By
A genetic algorithm approach to optimising random forests applied to class engineered data Paper Code Prof. Eyad Elyan
CDSMOTE: class decomposition and synthetic minority class oversampling technique for imbalanced-data classification Paper Code Dr. Carlos Moreno-Garcia
Deep learning for symbols detection and classification in engineering drawings Paper Code Prof. Eyad Elyan
Neighbourhood-based undersampling approach for handling imbalanced and overlapped data Paper Code Dr.Pattaramon Vuttipittayamongkol
MFC-GAN: Class-imbalanced dataset classification using Multiple Fake Class Generative Adversarial Network Paper Code Prof. Eyad Elyan
Improved Overlap-based Undersampling for Imbalanced Dataset Classification with Application to Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease Paper Code Dr.Pattaramon Vuttipittayamongkol

Cyber Security

Publication Reproducible Codes

Publication Title Publication URL Source Code Maintained By
Naive Bayes: Applications, Variations and Vulnerabilities Paper Code Dr. Harsha Kalutarage