
An internal clientside hackbase for the Source Engine (specifically for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)

Primary LanguageC++


An internal clientside hackbase for the Source Engine (specifically for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)


  • Up-to-date classes/structs (complete or partially):
    • player_info_t
    • IVEngineClient
    • CClientEntityList
    • C_BaseEntity
    • IAppSystem
    • IStudioRender
    • IVDebugOverlay
    • ISurface
    • IGameEventManager2
    • IGameEventListener2
    • IGameEvent
    • IInputSystem
    • IInput
    • IEngineTrace
  • Access to:
    • appSystemFactory function
    • Client exports
    • IVEngineClient instance
    • CClientEntityList instance
    • IVDebugOverlay instance
    • IStudioRender instance
    • CHLClient instance
    • IPanel instance
    • ISurface instance
    • ICVar instance
    • IGameEventManager2 instance
    • Games' IDirect3DDevice9 context
    • Clients' IInput class instance
    • IEngineTrace instance
  • Hooks:
    • CHLClient method(s)
    • IPanel method(s)
    • IStudioRender method(s)
    • IVEngineClient method(s)
    • IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene
  • CzyConfigMgr v0.3
  • Window menu system
    • Base class
    • Form
    • Label
    • Button
    • Checkbox
    • Textbox
    • Groupbox
    • Listbox
    • Imagebox
    • Contextmenu
    • ProgressBar
  • Input manager
  • VFT hook manager
  • D3D renderer
  • Player manager
  • Game event handler
  • Log system
  • Delayed command manager
  • Engine drawing wrapper
  • Memory functions
  • Utilities
  • Enhancements
    • Name ESP
    • SteamID ESP
    • Distance ESP
    • Health ESP
    • Decoy ESP
    • Bomb ESP
    • Playermodel color
  • Infobox
  • Snake game


  • Version 0.1
    • < Initial release >
  • Version 0.2
    • Extended _C_BaseEntity class definition
    • Added _IGameEventManager2 and _IGameEventListener2 class definition
    • Added access to IGameEventManager2 instance
    • Added game event manager
    • Added player manager
    • Added distance ESP
    • Added further ESP control CVars
    • Fixed a bug of the VFT hook manager
  • Version 0.3
    • CHLClient has been updated (now 017)
    • Unified non-unified header comments (on some mail-info was missing)
  • Version 0.4
    • Extended _C_BaseEntity class definition
    • Redesigned the graphical look of the GUI form
    • Added _IGameEvent class definition
    • Completed manager for game events
    • Added Decoy ESP
    • Added Infobox
    • Added Snake game
    • Added bomb ESP
    • Added health ESP
    • Changed ESP color handling
  • Version 0.5
    • Added Contextmenu GUI component
    • Added ProgressBar GUI component
    • Improved GUI component implementations
    • Added IInputSystem class definition
    • Added playermodel color enhancement
    • Added IInput class definition
    • Added explained IInput::FindKey() disassembly
    • Added access to client IInput instance
    • Added CHLClient::IN_IsKeyDown() hook
    • Added CHLClient::CreateMove() hook
    • Added explained CInput::CreateMove() disassembly
    • Added access to IEngineTrace instance
    • Added IEngineTrace class definition