# kubectl exec cassandra-0 -- nodetool status
# kubectl get pods -l app=cassandra -o json | jq '.items[] | {"name": .metadata.name,"hostname": .spec.nodeName, "hostIP": .status.hostIP, "PodIP": .status.podIP}'
# kubectl exec -it cassandra-0 -- nodetool getendpoints classicmodels offices 6
# kubectl exec -it cassandra-0 -- cqlsh
CREATE KEYSPACE classicmodels WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3 };
Consistency level set to QUORUM.
use classicmodels;
CREATE TABLE offices (officeCode text PRIMARY KEY, city text, phone text, addressLine1 text, addressLine2 text, state text, country text, postalCode text, territory text);
INSERT into offices(officeCode, city, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, state, country ,postalCode, territory) values
'1','San Francisco','+1 650 219 4782','100 Market Street','Suite 300','CA','USA','94080','NA');
INSERT into offices(officeCode, city, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, state, country ,postalCode, territory) values
'2','Boston','+1 215 837 0825','1550 Court Place','Suite 102','MA','USA','02107','NA');
INSERT into offices(officeCode, city, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, state, country ,postalCode, territory) values
'3','NYC','+1 212 555 3000','523 East 53rd Street','apt. 5A','NY','USA','10022','NA');
INSERT into offices(officeCode, city, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, state, country ,postalCode, territory) values
'4','Paris','+33 14 723 4404','43 Rue Jouffroy abbans', NULL ,NULL,'France','75017','EMEA');
INSERT into offices(officeCode, city, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, state, country ,postalCode, territory) values
'5','Tokyo','+81 33 224 5000','4-1 Kioicho',NULL,'Chiyoda-Ku','Japan','102-8578','Japan');
INSERT into offices(officeCode, city, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, state, country ,postalCode, territory) values
'6','Sydney','+61 2 9264 2451','5-11 Wentworth Avenue','Floor #2','Teste','Australia','NSW 2010','APAC');
INSERT into offices(officeCode, city, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, state, country ,postalCode, territory) values
'7','London','+44 20 7877 2041','25 Old Broad Street','Level 7',NULL,'UK','EC2N 1HN','EMEA');
INSERT into offices(officeCode, city, phone, addressLine1, addressLine2, state, country ,postalCode, territory) values
'8','Mumbai','+91 22 8765434','BKC','Building 2',NULL,'MH','400051','APAC');
SELECT * FROM classicmodels.offices;
# NODE=`kubectl get pods cassandra-0 -o json | jq -r .spec.nodeName`
# kubectl cordon ${NODE}
# kubectl get nodes
# kubectl delete pod cassandra-0
# kubectl get pods -o wide
# kubectl exec cassandra-0 -- cqlsh -e 'select * from classicmodels.offices'
# kubectl exec cassandra-1 -- nodetool status