
Arithmetic on Hyperelliptic curves

Primary LanguagePython

Hyperelliptic Curves

The current implementation of hyperelliptic curves in SageMath uses the projective plane model. Although this works nicely enough for imaginary curves with only one point at infinity, it is not descriptive enough for the real models.

This repository is a total rewrite of the hyperelliptic curve classes to instead use the smooth model for hyperelliptic curves which facilitates implementing arithmetic of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves for (almost) all cases.

The aim is ultimately to introduce the new class HyperellipticCurveSmoothModel into SageMath as an alternative class to HyperellipticCurve with the potential to deprecate and replace this model in the future.


HyperellipticCurveSmoothModel has been designed as a drop in replacement for HyperellipticCurve, so from the root of this repo run the following:

from hyperelliptic_constructor import HyperellipticCurveSmoothModel
R.<x> = QQ[]
f = x^7 + 1
H = HyperellipticCurveSmoothModel(f)

and you should be able to work "as normal" with H, but without arithmetic bugs


First we should copy everything from sage and make sure it stills works:

Hyperelliptic Curves

  • Hyperelliptic_generic
  • Hyperelliptic_g2
  • Hyperelliptic_rational_field
  • Hyperelliptic_finite_field
  • Hyperelliptic_padic_field


  • jacobian_generic
  • jacobian_g2
  • jacobian_homset
  • jacobian_morphism


  • mestre.py
  • monsky_washnitzer.py (failing examples as we don't support curves over rings)
  • kummer_surface.py (to rewrite)
  • hyperellfrob library (no changes needed)


To maintain functionality there are several files which need to be rewritten to work with the smooth model.

Hyperelliptic Curves

  • Write a constructor function which picks an appropriate HyperellipticSmoothModel_* class determined by the base ring of the defining polynomials
  • Rewrite the Hyperelliptic_generic class as HyperellipticSmoothModel_generic
  • Rewrite the Hyperelliptic_rational_field class as HyperellipticSmoothModel_rational_field
  • Rewrite the Hyperelliptic_finite_field class as HyperellipticSmoothModel_finite_field
  • Rewrite the Hyperelliptic_padic_field class as HyperellipticSmoothModel_padic_field

Additionally, we should maintain the fast computation of the matrix of frobenius from hypellrob.pyx and also copy over the work from mestre.py which computes:

  • hyperelliptic curves from the Igusa-Clebsch invariants (over \QQ and finite fields)
  • Mestre's conic from the Igusa-Clebsch invariants

The case of genus two should also be singled out as there are additional methods here. For example, computing certain invariants of the derived Kummer surface.

as well as monsky_washnitzer.py which performs the computation of Frobenius matrix on Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology

Jacobians of Hyperelliptic Curves

  • Rewrite jacobian_generic.py for the Jacobian of the curve. This needs only the most basic features and should be essentially unaffected by the change of model. I could however be wrong here though, maybe we will need child classes based on the number of points at infinty.
  • Rewrite jacobian_homset.py which is the set of rational points on the Jacobian. This is where the creation of divisors and arithmetic is performed. This will need careful handling for the ramified, split and inert models. We need to be extra careful for the split/inert case as a change in the base ring may change the number of points at infinity.
  • Rewrite jacobian_morphism.py which represents divisors on the jacobian. Here we need to again have a base class and then have children classes based on the number of points at infinity as the divisors themselves have different representations.