
This script was made for UNIPD students, to compute: - MViF (maximum voluntary isometric force (N)), - TTP63 (time to reach the 63% of the MViF (mSec)), - RFD (rate of force development (N/Sec)) after 50, 100, 150 and 200 mSec - AC (activation capacity (%))

Primary LanguagePython


Version: 1.03

Author: Giacomo Valli

Contacts: giacomo.valli@phd.unipd.it


This script was made for UNIPD students, to compute:

  • MViF (maximum voluntary isometric force (N)),
  • TTP63 (time to reach the 63% of the MViF (mSec)),
  • RFD (rate of force development (N/Sec)) after 50, 100, 150 and 200 mSec
  • AC (activation capacity (%))

The input is a .mat file containing the reference signal (force) exported from Labchart at 1000 Hz sampling frequency, but it works also with a different sampling frequency.

Two sample files can be found in the GitHub repository.

The user only needs to run the script and read the instructions in the interactive figures.

The script automatically filters the signal from noise caused by the alternate current with a low-pass, fourth order, Zero-lag Butterworth filter.

The script automatically removes force offset based on the starting point used for the calculation of TTP63.

Instructions on what to do can be found in the plots' titles.

To work with the plots:

  • Any letter of the keyboard adds a point
  • Mouse right click deletes the point
  • Enter terminates the task (press it once all the points have been selected)
  • You can zoom-in the plot after pressing the magnifier icon
  • Press home to restore the original view

If you use the script for different purposes, please double check the results.

Keep everything organised with a virtual enviorment.
To create a virtual enviorment type in the terminal (navigate to your directory first):

  • py -m venv mfenv

To install the required libraries type in the terminal:

  • py -m pip install -r requirements.txt